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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Automation Program Performance

To better understand the program performance, access one of the below charts available under the Automations Program Performance page:

  1. Pipeline Evolution chart: reflects the evolution of the number of automations over a customizable period of time. The number of automations displayed on the chart for each month/quarter reflects the total number of automations at the end of the selected period.
  2. Current Pipeline - 1 year estimated benefits chart: illustrates the estimated benefits of the existing automations. This is expressed in monetary value and hours estimated to be saved over the duration of 1 year's time. These values are computed based on the Detailed Assessment information and are updated once new information is entered in the idea Cost Benefit Analysis page.

The KPIs from the Detailed Assessment influencing the pie chart are:

  • Revised benefit per company (hours saved/year)
  • Revised benefit per company (currency/year)

    Note that if the Automation Potential is modified in the Cost Benefit Analysis, the updated value of the KPIs above is reflected in the chart.

    The automations with a null 1-Year estimated benefit are not be displayed in this chart.

In both charts, the automations are split into three categories:

  • Live automations - automations in Live phase and status In Production;

    Note: The Launch Date considered for the automations is the date when the automation was updated to Live phase, status In production. The date can be manually edited in the Cost Benefit Analysis page > Project plan > Actual&New Estimate table.
  • Ideas in Implementation - automations in Analysis, Solution Design, Development, or Testing phase with any of the following statuses: Not Started, On Track, At risk, Delayed, Completed.
  • Qualified - automations in Qualification phase and status Approved.

You can easily refine the information displayed on each dashboard by using the following filters:

  • Submitter's Business unit
  • Ease of implementation
  • Submission Path
  • Categories as set up in the Admin Console by the System Admin.

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