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Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Mar 10, 2025
This page contains general information about the company and the current pricing plan.
The Company Details area includes:
- the Account Owner's name and email address,
- the Company Name - non-editable field,
- the tenant URL - non-editable field,
the Company Logo - which can be updated by the Account Owner.
The Licenses section displays information about the tenant's active pricing plan such as:
- Current Plan;
- Subscription Expiration Date.
Tip: Check below to find out what happens to your data
after the Automation Hub license expires.
What happens when the license expires?
There are actually two possible cases here:
- If the license is a Trial one (of any kind).
- If the license is an Enterprise one (of any kind).
- Only one tenant will remain enabled (if multiple were created).
- Only services that are available in Community will be available on that tenant.
- When the service is disabled, the Automation Hub data isn't accessible for you but it isn't deleted.
- The retention policy is 90 days and only after this period has passed (before license expiration) the queue for data deletion starts.
There are
two ways:
- If you renew your contract with Automation Hub (prolong the license/extend the trial) - you just need to re-enable the service after the license has been updated.
- If you don't renew your contract but still want the data - you can request a data dump via a support ticket.
The Account Owner and System Admins can also access the feature to:
A support ticket must be raised if there is a need for a change request as:
- Account owner change
- URL change
- Other changes in the tenant (changing company name displayed in Automation Hub, etc.)