  • Release Notes
Apps Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 2, 2024

September 2023

19 September 2023

Bug fixes

  • Occasionally, publishing an app generated the following error “No trace ID for this error”. This was caused by a 400 Bad request response of an API endpoint, which is now fixed.

  • In public apps, when you uploaded a file to Data Service using the File Uploader control, its name was hardcoded as upload. Now, the name of the upload matches that of the selected file.
  • Runtime errors might have occured while using a public app with the legacy expression language.

  • Several accessibility bugs were fixed, for an improved user experience.

6 September 2023

Bug fixes

  • The latest release fixes the known issue that was causing the "'Public Overloads Property SelectedItem As TabularInitClass' has no parameters and its return type cannot be installed." error. This error occurred when trying to preview your app after replacing or refreshing a referenced process.

  • You could not clear selections in Edit Grid controls using the Reset values rule. The issue no longer reproduces.

5 September 2023

Edit Grid supports Datatable data type manipulation

The enhanced Edit Grid control now supports creating, updating, and deleting data table arguments for processes. Manipulate Datatable data type within the Edit Grid control by using these methods:

VB method



UpdateRowAt(index, row)
Processes.ALLDATATYPES.out_datatable.UpdateRowAt(MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex, MainPage.EditGrid.SelectedItem)Processes.ALLDATATYPES.out_datatable.UpdateRowAt(MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex, MainPage.EditGrid.SelectedItem)



Bug fixes

Occasionally, Table controls failed to display all columns at runtime. The issue is now fixed.

  • 19 September 2023
  • Bug fixes
  • 6 September 2023
  • Bug fixes
  • 5 September 2023
  • Edit Grid supports Datatable data type manipulation
  • Bug fixes

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