  • Release Notes
Apps Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 2, 2024

April 2021

26 April 2021


  • Enhanced the runtime performance of page loading. App creators can enable the page interaction immediately for end-users by disabling the 'Show Loading Progress Indicator'. Disabling this will allow the end-users to interact with the app when the page loads. This is especially useful when there are complex pages in an app and the users don't want to wait till the entire page loads.
  • Added Padding and removed Margin for divider control.
  • Delete App capability available within the app Studio .

Fixed Bugs

  • Control selection gets stuck in the canvas when you scroll the page in App studio
  • Not able to drag controls from one container to another
  • Hint text property not consistent across all controls
  • When Started/ When Completed properties of Start-Process Rule was not working
  • Multiple Container layout controls in a single page leads to an in-desirable layout in canvas
  • Not able to add a new rule, if there are many rules in the rules builder
  • Inconsistent design vs runtime for slider control with respect to font
  • Duplicate data rendered in a custom list
  • Slider disabled property doesn't reflect in design time
  • Empty list not showing the default text "No data" in runtime
  • Inconsistent border look and feel for textbox, text area, and date picker
  • Unable to pass the selected value of drop-down control to a process using app variable
  • Setting Allow wrapping to true for containers, leads to containers losing the height
  • Copy-paste doesn't bring the canvas to the pasted control view
  • Inconsistent reflow experience between design and runtime for container layout control
  • Container right and center alignment is not being applied
  • Lag when we drag and drop icons into the canvas

6 April 2021


  • The much-anticipated capability of able to bind process arguments across pages. Now Process argument results are available across the app and not limited to a page. This way App creators don't have to re-rerun processes on every page or use app variables to pass process output across pages.
  • Ability for users to select and copy text from Apps runtime
  • Introduced a Max character limit of 50 for control names
  • Production URL for an app runtime will be available in App settings only if the app is published at least once
  • Added font property to the slider control
  • Apps Help (documentation) is available within the App Studio from the overflow icons in the App header

  • Added icons for all menu items in App Studio and App tile in the landing page
  • Common Header across all products of UiPath® suite including Apps, thereby providing a consistent experience as mentioned here

Fixed Bugs

  • App variables not updating when used within page containers
  • When moving controls, container size changes leading to difficulty in not able to place controls in the desired location on a page
  • Border property not copied when a button is copy-pasted
  • In-correct icons for Stretch Layout control in Styling pane for containers
  • Alphabets like "g" "y" "j" gets cuts in the bottom when they were entered in a text box control
  • Border set for button control didn't get applied on certain occasions
  • Number pad in keyboard doesn't accept values in date picker control
  • Process properties with data table type doesn't get updated when the process is refreshed from App studio
  • Italicized switch value gets trimmed in the end
  • Switch control gets cropped when no text value is provided
  • Text in header control not vertically center aligned
  • Bottom section of rules builder trimmed, which makes it difficult for users to design a new rule
  • Copy/Pasting of container layout container didn't work and the pasted control has not been made available in the viewport
  • Input over-ride in Start process rule didn't persist when we migrate the app
  • 26 April 2021
  • Improvements
  • Fixed Bugs
  • 6 April 2021
  • Improvements
  • Fixed Bugs

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