  • Release Notes
Apps Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 2, 2024

February 2024

21 February 2024

Flex properties for Container controls

We’ve added flex properties to the Style tab of Container controls.

The new option, called Fill, allows your container to take up all the available remaining space on the page. The Fill option becomes available for Height when the Vertical layout is selected, and for Width when the Horizontal layout is selected.

For details, refer to the Container documentation.

19 February 2024

Apps integrates Action Center actions (preview)

We've been working around the clock to bring you an update that bridges the gap between UiPath® Apps and Action Center. This means you create your own form or UI interaction using Apps, while defining the parameters and outcomes in an action definition in Action Center.

Creating an action app allows you to bind the action parameters to the app controls, invoke it using the Create user action activity, and send it for completion in Action Center: this establishes the end-to-end journey of an action.

Some key benefits of this collaboration include:

Centralization: Users can manage, track, or execute all tasks from a central location. This provides better oversight, ensure accountability, and offers a more cohesive user experience.

Streamlined workflows: By combining Apps ability to create custom applications with Action Center efficiency in managing tasks, users can build end-to-end workflows where robots and humans collaborate effectively.

Agility: Users can quickly adapt to changes or updates in business processes by modifying the action app without disrupting the task managed in Action Center.

Our documentation offers more details:

  • 21 February 2024
  • Flex properties for Container controls
  • 19 February 2024
  • Apps integrates Action Center actions (preview)

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