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Studio User Guide

Last updated Feb 26, 2025

Signing in to Your Account

If you installed Studio using the UiPathStudio.msi installer with the Robot in user mode, you can connect Studio and the Assistant to Orchestrator by signing in to your UiPath account:
  1. Click docs image on the upper-right side of the Studio window, and then click Sign in. To find out more information about signing in, click Learn more.
    • To use a custom URL instead of the default, enter the URL in the Service URL field.
    • To connect to Orchestrator with client credentials or machine key, click More Options > Connect to Orchestrator.
    • To activate a local license key, click More Options > Standalone Options.

  2. A new page opens in your web browser. Complete the sign in procedure, and, when prompted by your web browser, click Open UiPath to return to Studio.

After you sign in, an icon with your initials is displayed on the upper-right side of the Studio window. To sign out and disconnect from Orchestrator from both Studio and the Assistant, click the icon, and then select Sign Out.

Connecting to Orchestrator With Client Credentials or Machine Key

If you installed Studio using the UiPathStudio.msi installer with the Robot registered as a Windows service, you can connect to Orchestrator with your client credentials or machine key:
  1. Click docs image, and then click Connect.
  2. Select a connection type - Client ID or Machine Key.
  3. Enter the Orchestrator URL and either the Client ID and Client Secret or the Machine Key generated in Orchestrator, and then click Continue.
    • To activate a local license key, click More Options > Standalone Options.

      Note: If you installed the Robot in service mode, administrator privileges are required to connect to Orchestrator with the machine key.

Common Sign-in Errors

This section documents errors you may encounter when you try to sign in to your account. Select an error to view information about its cause and available solutions.

Interactive sign-in is not enabled for this tenant. Enable it from the Orchestrator settings, or connect using the machine key.


Authentication is not enabled in the tenant you are trying to sign in to. This may occur if the tenant was created in an older version of Orchestrator, before the introduction of the interactive sign-in feature.


Do one of the following:

  • In Orchestrator, go to Tenant > Settings > Security , and then select Allow both user authentication and robot key authentication.

    Note: Only an administrator can perform this task.
  • In the Studio Sign-in screen, select More Options > Connect to Orchestrator to connect using your machine key instead.

Interactive connect is not available.


The Robot is installed in service mode. Interactive sign-in is supported only if the Robot is installed in user mode.


Do one of the following:

  • Run the installation again and make sure to select the User mode Robot installation type. For more information, see Install Studio.
  • In the Studio Sign-in screen, select More Options > Connect to Orchestrator to connect using your machine key instead.

No robot configured for the current user.


You are trying to sign in but no attended robot is configured for your user in Orchestrator.


In Orchestrator, edit the current user, select the option to create an attended robot for the user, and select a developer license type for which a license is available. You can check license availability by going to Tenant > License.

Note: Only an administrator can perform this task.

Robot does not exist.


You are using a classic robot defined in Orchestrator using the classic method or via the Windows user and you are already connected to Orchestrator with a machine key. When you then sign in from Studio, a different username is sent to Orchestrator


Do one of the following:

  • Sign out, and then, in the Studio Sign-in screen, select More Options > Connect to Orchestrator to connect using your machine key.
  • In Orchestrator, set up a modern robot configuration instead of the classic one, and then sign in again.

    Note: Only an administrator can perform this task.

Cannot acquire a license.


You are trying to sign in but your user is not properly configured to acquire a license from Orchestrator.


In Orchestrator, edit the current user, make sure the option to create an attended robot for the user is selected, and select a developer license type for which a license is available. You can check license availability by going to Tenant > License.

Note: Only an administrator can perform this task.

No such host in known.


Connection to Orchestrator could not be established.


Make sure your Internet connection is working.

Accessing the organization from an untrusted network.


You are trying to sign in but your IP address is restricted in Automation Cloud.


Add your IP address to the list of trusted IP ranges. For more information, see Restricting access by IP in the Automation Cloud Admin Guide.

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