Studio User Guide
Last updated Sep 12, 2024

Non-greedy search

How non-greedy search works

Introducing non-greedy search in your selectors instructs it to search through all the active windows or browser instances which match the top-level tags of your selector, and not just the window instances in focus.

Non-greedy search makes use of the idx() attribute, which needs to be included in the top-level tag, as follows:




Searches through all active window instances for the element matching the top-level tag attributes.

The <idx='1'> option only searches through window instances in focus.

Supported selector types

Currently, non-greedy search is supported for the following selector types:
Selector type Support
<sap>not available
<silverlight>not available
Selectors inside the following containers:
  • Open Application
  • Open Browsers
  • Attach Window
  • Attach Browser
not available
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications not available

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