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Process Mining

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Last updated Feb 26, 2025

Migrating apps for the new process graph layout


New Process Mining process apps now use the new layout technique called TRACY for process graphs. TRACY makes the process graph easy to understand, automatically identifying the main process flow and ordering the rest of the activities based on their execution sequence.


With the introduction of TRACY, all new process apps will use TRACY for the process graph layout. Existing process apps will continue to work in Process Mining 2023.4. Recreate or migrate your process apps before October 2023 (Process Mining 2023.10), to make sure the process apps are still accessible.

Customized process apps

If you have any existing process apps based on TemplateOne, Purchase-to-Pay, or Order-to-Cash app templates for which you have customized the transformations, you can migrate these process apps to use the new TRACY layout. Below is a description of the steps you need to perform if you want to migrate your process apps.

High-level steps for migration

  1. Create a new process app (using sample data) based on the same app template as your current process app.

  2. Export the transformations from you current process app to download the current, customized app transformations.

  3. Edit the transformations as described below.

  4. Import the transformations in the new process app created in Step 1. to upload the updated transformation to the new process app.


Export the transformations from the new process app to check out the new default transformations of your process app.

Migrating a Process App

In general, follow the steps as described in Editing data transformations in a local environment. Since specific settings are required when migrating to a new version, pay attention to the following steps.

4. Edit the transformations

Make sure to edit the transformations you exported from your current process app. When done, import the transformations in the new process app based on the same app template as your current process app.

Make changes on the transformations as described in the following sections.

Event log table

Default location in transformations:
  • Purchase-to-Pay: Purchase_order_item_end_to_end_events.sql
  • Order-to-Cash: Sales_order_item_end_to_end_events.sql
  • Other app templates: Event_log.sql

Steps in transformations:
1. Remove the Event_throughput_time field.
  • Change other logic using Event_throughput_time, if applicable.
  • Remove the corresponding test from business_logic.yml file.
2. Remove Manual_event_costs, Manual_event_ID and Manual_event_processing_time fields.
3. Replace Event_order with Activity_order field.
  • The Event_order will be overwritten with the new version, so either remove the Event_order field completely, or keep using current Event_order field for logic within transformations.
  • Add the Activity_order field.
  • Remove the Event_order test from business_logic.yml file.

Cases table

Default location in transformations:

  • Purchase-to-Pay: Purchase_order_items.sql
  • Order-to-Cash: Sales_order_items.sql
  • Other app templates: Cases_log.sql

Steps in transformations:

1. Remove case throughput time and case start fields.

  • Remove the following fields:

App template






Other app templates



  • Remove the corresponding tests from business_logic.yml.

2. Remove the Variant field.

  • Remove the corresponding test from business_logic.yml file.

Edges table

Default location in transformations:

  • Purchase-to-Pay: Purchase_order_item_end_to_end_edges.sql
  • Order-to-Cash: Sales_order_item_end_to_end_edges.sql
  • Other app templates: Edges.sql

Steps in transformations:

1. Remove the corresponding tests from business_logic.yml file.

Events table

As an optional step, you can remove the (deprecated) Events table. Note that this is not required to get the new process app working, but it will improve the performance of the new process app.

Default location in transformations:

  • Purchase-to-Pay: N/A.
  • Order-to-Cash: N/A.
  • Other app templates: Events.sql

Steps in transformations:

  • Remove (deprecated) Events table (not available for Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash app templates).

Other tables

If you are migrating an earlier version of a process app, for example, a process app created in Process Mining 2022.10, you may need to add tables or fields in your transformations to meet the new format of the app template.

For example, you may need to add a Due dates or a Tags model in your transformations.

Create a new process app based on the same app template as the current process app you want to migrate to test the transformations.


Select the option Use sample data in the Data source step when creating the test process app.

Create a new process app based on the same app template as the current process app you want to migrate and import the transformations.


Select the option Use sample data in the Data source step when creating the new process app.

Post-migration step

After successfully migrating the process app, delete the original process app.

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