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Process Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Publishing process apps


When you have finished the customization of the process app, you can publish the process app to make the changes available to end users.

Note: Before you publish any changes you have made to the process app, you can preview the changes in end-user mode. Check out Working with the dashboard editor.
When there are any unpublished changes for your process app, the Publish button is enabled and the version number of the process app is increased by one (v1).

App status when publishing a process app

When publishing a process app the status of the datarun for the new version of the app is displayed on the Process apps tab. The following table provides an overview of the possible publishing statuses.

Publishing (v1)

A data run is running for a publish attempt of v1 of the process app.

Publish failed (v1)

A data run has failed for publish attempt of v1 of the process app.

Publish waiting for data (v1)

A publish attempt of v1 of of the process app is waiting for data before it can be published.

Selecting the data for publishing


To upload data for a process app, you need to have AI Units on your account. Refer to License for more information on AI Units.

When you publish a process app that has updated transformations compared to the transformations used for the last successful production data run, a new production data run is required. You can choose whether to re-use the existing data set or upload a new dataset.

If you publish the process app for the first time, the Use existing data list only contains the development dataset. In this case, you can use the Upload new data option and select a new dataset for the published process app. When republishing the process app again, the new dataset is also listed in the Use existing data list.

Using existing data

Select the Use existing data option if you want to publish the process app using a dataset that is already uploaded for the process app. The new transformations are run using the selected dataset.

Upload new data

Select the Upload new data option if you want to publish the process app with a new dataset. For example, if new input fields or input tables are needed for the new transformations. The transformations are run after the dataset is uploaded.

You can upload data using sample data, using data files, or using an extractor.

Check out Uploading data.

Follow these steps to publish the process app.


If any edits were made to the Data Transformations, then a new data run for the published app has to be completed successfully before the new version can be published.

  1. Select Publish at the top of the dashboard editor. The Publish app dialog is displayed.
    Publish is only enabled if there are unpublished changes for your process app.
  2. Select the data to be used for publishing and select Upload data.

    While the data run is in progress, the original dashboards and the data of the last successful data run is displayed.

    When the data run has completed successfully, the process app is published with the updated dashboards and the selected dataset using the updated transformations.

    A notification message is displayed inidicating that the app was publised successfully.

Viewing the publishing history

Follow this step to view the publishing history of a process app.

Select Version history at the top of the dashboard editor.

A popup window is displayed with a list of all created versions. For each version, the publishing date, and the name of the developer who published the version is displayed.


You can also view the publishing history from the Published process apps in the Process Mining portal.

  1. Select on the app card of the app for which you want to view the publishing history and select Version history from the context menu.

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