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Orchestrator Installation Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Dec 12, 2023

Active/Active Disaster Recovery Installation

This section details the DNS configuration and installation of UiPath High Availability Add-on for a high availability deployment with two active datacenters.

Note: This deployment model requires two High Availability add-on licenses.

DNS Entry Configuration

Note: This is a pre-requisite to be performed before HAA is installed.

Acquire Server IP

To get started, you will need to acquire the IP addresses of the six (or more) Linux servers where HAA is to be installed. There are three required for each of the two datacenter sites.

DNS Manager Entries

Note: If you already have the necessary DNS entries created, you do not need to create them again. Skip to the next step.

DNS Servers

In the DNS Manager, create six new DNS entries, one entry for each server. For example:


IP Address







Starting with the three servers in the Primary Datacenter:

  1. Right-click on the domain name and select New Host.
  2. Provide the DNS server name and IP address (HAA-infra1-1 and in this example) then click Add Host.

  3. Repeat this process for each of the Primary Datacenter servers with their correct respective server names and IP addresses.


  1. Right-click on the domain name and select New Delegation to open the New Delegation Wizard, then click Next.
  2. Enter a name for your new delegation (HAA-infra1-cluster in this example) and click Next.
  3. Click Add and add the first sever from the Primary Datacenter and click Resolve.
    Note: Ignore the error if it does not validate, then click OK.

  4. Repeat this prcoess for each server with their respective server names. You should now see the three servers on the installation wizard. Click Next.

  5. Click Finish to complete and exit the installer.
  6. Verify that you have created a new delegation with the three servers added:

  7. Repeat the Delegation process for the remaining servers in the Secondary Datacenter.


Important: If you already have HAA installed, please use the following command to uninstall it from all servers before proceeding: yum remove redislabs -y

HAA Node Installation and Default Database Deletion

HAA Master Node Installation

  1. Create a directory where the HAA is to be downloaded and extracted. For example: mkdir haa.
  2. Change to the newly created directory using the command: cd/<path-to>/haa/.
  3. Download the installation script by running wget http://download.uipath.com/haa/get-haa.sh.
  4. Make the script executable by running chmod +x get-haa.sh.
  5. Install the master node with the following command:
    sudo ./get-haa.sh -u <email> -p <password> -d <DNS delegation PRIMARY cluster name> <DNS delegation SECONDARY cluster name>.

HAA Secondary Node Installation

  1. Create a directory where the HAA is to be downloaded and extracted. For example: mkdir haa.
  2. Change to the newly created directory using the command: cd/<path-to>/haa/.
  3. Download the installation script by running wget http://download.uipath.com/haa/get-haa.sh.
  4. Make the script executable by running chmod +x get-haa.sh.
  5. Install the secondary node(s) with the following command:
    sudo ./get-haa.sh -u <email> -p <password> -j <IP of master node Primary Datacenter> -d <DNS delegation PRIMARY cluster name> <DNS delegation SECONDARY cluster name>.

HAA Cluster Primary and Secondary Datacenters - Default Database Deletion

  1. Open the HAA User Interface and log in by opening a browser and navigating to one of the following URLs for the PRIMARY Datacenter:
    • https://<DNS delegation PRIMARY cluster name>:8443 or
    • https://<IP address of the master node in Primary Datacenter>:8443.

      For the SECONDARY Datacenter, use one of the following URLs:

    • https://<DNS delegation DR/SECONDARY cluster name>:8443 or
    • https://<IP address of the master node in Secondary Datacenter>:8443.
  2. Ensure that all three nodes are active, indicated under the Status column with a green check.
  3. Click Databases. The default database - uipath-orchestrator - should be displayed. Click on the name uipath-orchestrator to open the details page.
  4. Click Configuration and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click Delete to erase the default uipath-orchestrator database on the Primary or Secondary Datacenter HAA cluster.
  5. Repeat the node installation instructions, above, with the secondary Datacenter details, <DNS Delegation SECONDARY cluster name>.

Geo-Distributed Database Creation

  1. From the HAA application on the Primary Datacenter, click Databases.
  2. From the Create New Database window, click Redis Database and select Geo-Distributed under the drop-down for Deployment.
  3. On the Create Database page, enter the following information:
    • Name: uipath-orchestrator
    • Memory limit (GB): 3 GB
    • Replication: Checked
    • Redis password: the HAA database password.
    • Database Clustering: Unchecked
    • Endpoint port number: 10000
    • Participating clusters: Click + to add each participating cluster, using the Cluster API URL https://<DNS delegation cluster name>:9443and admin credentials for the primary and secondary datacenters, respectively.
  4. Click Activate.
After activation is complete, the time primary datacenter HAA application's Databases displays an active Redis CRDB database with a green Sync symbol under Status to indicate enabling of the database sync on the Primary Datacenter.

HAA Endpoints for Orchestrator UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config File

From the Primary Datacenter HAA application:

  1. Open the Databases tab and click Configuration.
  2. Copy the Endpoint before the backslash and apply to the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file for the primary datacenter Orchestrator.

For the Secondary Datacenter:

  1. Open the Databases tab and click Configuration.
  2. Copy the Endpoint before the backslash and apply to the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file for the secondary datacenter Orchestrator.

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