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Orchestrator Installation Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Dec 12, 2023

Changing the Orchestrator / Identity Server URL

If you decide to manually upgrade your Orchestrator instances from single node to multi-node, you have to change the Orchestrator URL. If this is the case, you also have to change Identity Server's URL.

Several steps are required when changing the Orchestrator or Identity Server public address, in order to maintain Orchestrator fully functional. This page describes these steps.

Changing the Identity Server URL

For updating the Identity Server URL, follow the below SQL query:

  1. Declare variables for the current server name and the new server name:

    DECLARE @CurrentServerName NVARCHAR(255) = 'server1';

    - Input: e.g. 'server1'

    DECLARE @NewServerName NVARCHAR(255) = 'server2';

    - Input: e.g. 'server2'

  2. Update statement using REPLACE function:
    UPDATE identity.ClientRedirectUris

    SET RedirectUri = REPLACE(RedirectUri, @CurrentServerName, @NewServerName)

    WHERE RedirectUri LIKE '%' + @CurrentServerName + '%';

    - Update only if the row contains 'server1'

    UPDATE identity.ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris

    SET RedirectUri = REPLACE(RedirectUri, @CurrentServerName, @NewServerName)

    WHERE RedirectUri LIKE '%' + @CurrentServerName + '%';

    - Update only if the row contains 'server1'

Changing the Orchestrator URL

  1. Open the ClientRedirectUris table inside Identity Server's database and locate the [RedirectUri] field with the https://[OldOrchestratorAddress]/signinsystemopenidconnect value. Change the value to https://[NewOrchestratorAddress]/signinsystemopenidconnect.
  2. Open the ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris table inside Identity Server's database and locate the [PostLogoutRedirectUri] field with the https://[OldOrchestratorAddress]/ value. Change the value to https://[NewOrchestratorAddress]/.
  3. Update the OrchestratorUrl parameter within Identity Server's appsettings.Production.json file with the new public address of Orchestrator.
  4. Update the ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.RedirectUri parameter within Orchestrator's UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config (formerly web.config) with the new value https://[NewOrchestratorAddress]/signinsystemopenidconnect.
  5. Update the ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.PostLogoutRedirectUri parameters within Orchestrator's UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config (formerly web.config) with the new value https://[NewOrchestratorAddress]/.
    • Replace [OldOrchestratorAddress] and [NewOrchestratorAddress] with your actual Orchestrator URL addresses.
    • Make sure the certificates you use have the appropriate permissions set to prevent an internal server error. Refer to Troubleshooting Certificates for more details.
    • The Platform Configuration Tool provides as an alternative way to change the Orchestrator URL.
  • Changing the Identity Server URL
  • Changing the Orchestrator URL

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