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Data Service Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Jul 18, 2024

General Availability

26 October 2020

UiPath® Data Service General Availability

UiPath® Data Service brings powerful no-code data modeling and storage capabilities to your Robotic Process Automation (RPA) projects. It is designed to be fully integrated with UiPath® Studio and UiPath® Robots, allowing you to build powerful automations that can leverage capabilities like rich relational data types, integrated security, and instantaneous provisioning and deployments without worrying about the scale.

  • Business entities modeled in Data Service can be imported in Studio as rich data types and can be used as variables or arguments in workflows.
  • Data stored in Data Service is always secured, persisted, accessible, and removes the risk of storing critical business data in random locations. Furthermore, it can be accessed via API from any third party services as well for a pro-dev scenario.

Key Benefits

One-click Provisioning

Enable Data Service for any of your tenant(s) directly from the Automation Cloud portal.

Easy Data Modeling

Model your data as entities with just a few clicks and without having to write any code. Start by creating a new entity, creating fields, and creating relationships.

Rich Data Types

Rich data types like Text, Number, Date, Date-Time, Yes-No, Relationships, Choice Sets, and File Attachments allow you to model all common business data. Each of these data types also has attributes to accommodate your modeling needs.

Integration With UiPath® Studio and Robots

Data Service is fully integrated with UiPath® Studio and Robots. Just connect your Studio or Robots, in modern folders, to your Orchestrator tenant (via UiPath® Automation Cloud) where Data Service was enabled.

You can import entities in Studio as rich data types with a single click. A set of custom activities enable you to create powerful automations.

Integrated Security, and Secure by Default

Integrated security is used on UiPath® Automation Cloud allowing you to assign permissions/roles to any users or user groups from your tenant while ensuring that no one outside of your organization can access the data. In addition, all communication from Studio or Robots inherits the same permissions as assigned in Studio or Robot. This provides consistency of permissions and eliminates the need for managing separate credentials or tokens.


Create New Entities

Create, store safely, and access new entities without using a single line of code.

Customize Your Entities

Depending on your preferences you can create entities by using the set of default fields or customize the entities you defined by adding specific fields.

Choice Sets

The Choice Sets module enables you to create and manage Single-Select and Multi-Select Choice Sets that can be used as fields in the entities.

Create Relationships Between Your Entities

You have the option to define rich metadata like relationships for your entities.

Use Your Entities in Studio

By using entities created in the Data Service, you can manage and manipulate data aggregated in a single object, without having to work with it in a granular way.

User Management

The User Management module enables you to manage permissions for an entity service tenant. This extensive and granular permissions model allows you to integrate all your employees using the Data Service based on their level of expertise and your business requirements.

Note: The Data Service User Guide contains both the product's features as well as specific use cases and how-to scenarios.

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