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Communications Mining Automation Cloud Release Notes
Last updated Aug 26, 2024

March 2024

7 March


  • Communications Mining is now localized in the following languages:
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • French
    • German
    • Japanese
    • South Korean
    • Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil)
    • Russian
    • Spanish (Spain and Mexico)
    • Turkish
    Note: Localization does not refer to Generally Available model languages.
  • The Maintenance, Quotas management and Deprecated Models pages are now available.

    The Quotas page allows you to:

    • Check all the enforced quotas for your Communications Mining tenant.
    • Request changes to the enforced quotas if you have the Tenant Admin permission.
    The Deprecated Models page shows you any model versions for datasets in your tenant that will soon be deprecated. This page allows admins to ensure that all the production datasets are using more recent, improved model versions.
  • Communications Mining now automatically preserves the entity annotations on messages which have their properties updated. It will also attempt to preserve entity annotations when changes are made to the message text and format. This will not be possible for all annotations if major changes are made to the text that alter the entity spans themselves, rather than just the positioning.
  • All references in the UI to Verbatim(s) and Comment(s) have been updated to Message(s) for clarity. Each message is associated to a single comment object in the API.
  • 7 March
  • Improvements

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