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Communications Mining Automation Cloud Release Notes
Last updated Aug 26, 2024

January 2024

25 January

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the LabelExists helper function on stream results now works correctly. It is now correctly functioning with hierarchical label names, such hello > world.
  • Fixed an issue where the LabelExists helper function always returned false. The function now returns true when the specified label exists.
  • Corrected the tooltip on Predict Record to specify that values should be in the 0 to 1 range.

Activities bug fixes


  • You can now access the is_end_sequence flag when fetching streams. For more information, read the API docs.
  • You are now able to access the QoS and Tone scores from Stream Results.
  • When you're in Studio, you can now right click an activity, select Help, and open the documentation.

    Check the Communications Mining Activities for more information about the activities.

  • The External message ID was moved to the additional properties of the Create Record activity.

Activities improvements

19 January

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where, in some cases, the average number of labels in Validation was displayed as a percentage, instead of an integer value.


  • You can no longer select German as a model family option when creating datasets. If your datasets contain German data, select the multilingual option, because German is a Generally Available language supported by this model family.
  • You can now delegate the Tenant Admin permission.
  • View Alerts & Alert Admin are now permissions available in Communications Mining. Alert Admin is given to all Tenant Admins and Project founding users by default. These permissions allow you to view and interact with Alert Center.
  • 25 January
  • Bug fixes
  • Improvements
  • 19 January
  • Bug fix
  • Improvements

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