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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025


Adds a DataRow to a specified TestDataQueue.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)


AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object>)Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue.
AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object, String>)Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue, from a specific Orchestrator folder.
AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object, String, Int32>)Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue, from a specific Orchestrator folder, and with TimeoutMS configured.

AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object>)

Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue.

void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation
)void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation
queueName String
The queue where the QueueItem object is added. The name is not case sensitive. For example, if you have defined your queue as MyFirstQueue in Orchestrator, it matches myfirstqueue. The maximum number of characters is 50.
itemInformation Dictionary<String, Object>
A collection of arguments to be passed as test queue data items.

AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object, String>)

Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue, from a specific Orchestrator folder.

void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation,
	string folderPath
)void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation,
	string folderPath
queueName String
The queue where the QueueItem object is added. The name is not case sensitive. For example, if you have defined your queue as MyFirstQueue in Orchestrator, it matches myfirstqueue. The maximum number of characters is 50.
itemInformation Dictionary<String, Object>
A collection of arguments to be passed as test queue data items.
folderPath String
The path to the Orchestrator folder where the Test Data queue is located.

AddTestDataQueueItem(String, Dictionary<String, Object, String, Int32>)

Adds a data row to a TestDataQueue, from a specific Orchestrator folder, and with TimeoutMS configured.
void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation,
	string folderPath,
	int timeoutMs
)void AddTestDataQueueItem(
	string queueName,
	Dictionary<string, Object> itemInformation,
	string folderPath,
	int timeoutMs
queueName String
The queue where the QueueItem object is added. The name is not case sensitive. For example, if you have defined your queue as MyFirstQueue in Orchestrator, it matches myfirstqueue. The maximum number of characters is 50.
itemInformation Dictionary<String, Object>
A collection of arguments to be passed as test queue data items.
folderPath String
The path to the Orchestrator folder where the Test Data queue is located.
timeoutMs Int32
Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).

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