Workflow Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Extract Text


Project Compatibility

The Extract Text activity allows you to extract specific text from an input based on specific filters.

Windows | Cross-Platform

  • Source text – The source text from which you want to extract a substring. Click on the "+" button next to the field to select the type of input you want to use.
  • What to extract - The content to be extracted from the source text. The following options are available:
    • Values between two strings - Allows you to extract text between two strings.
      • Starting text - Marks the start of the substring. The default value is the beginning of the source text.
      • Ending text - Marks the end of the substring. The default value is the end of the source text.
    • Email addresses - Allows you to only extract e-mail addresses.
    • URLs - Allows you to only extract URLs.
    • Text from a HTML code - Allows you to convert HTML code to raw text.
  • Preview - Displays the potential output of the activity. The preview is available only for static text input

Additional Options


  • Ignore Duplicates - When enabled, duplicates found in the source text are ignored.
  • Match Case - When enabled, the case of the letters are taken into account for the filter.
  • Extract base URL only - When enabled, only the base URL is extracted.


  • First extracted text - Returns the first extracted substring. Can be saved as a variable.
  • All extracted text - Returns all extracted substrings in the form of a list. Can be saved as a variable.
  • Project Compatibility
  • Additional Options

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