Workflow Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Add or Subtract from Date


The Add or Substract from Date activity allows you to modify a DateTime input by adding or subtracting a specific unit of time. The output is saved in a DateTime variable.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-Platform


  • Source Date - Date type value to be modified. Click on the "+" button next to the field to select the type of input you want to use.
  • Operation - The operation to be performed on the source date. The available options are:
    • Add - Adds the amount of units specified in the configuration.
    • Substract - Substracts the amount of units specified in the configuration.
  • Unit - The unit to be added or substracted from the source date. The default available options are.
    • Seconds
    • Minutes
    • Hours
    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Years
  • Amount - The amount of units to be added or substracted from the source date. You can use the widget to configure this or click on the "+" button next to the field to select the type of input you want to use.
  • Preview - A preview of the output.

Properties Panel

  • The modified DateTime - The output of the activity saved as a DateTime variable. Click on the "+" button next to the field to select the type of output.
  • Project Compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Properties Panel

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