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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Advanced Logic

Before you begin, learn about Advanced Logic.

Generally, to configure an advanced logic:

  1. Open or create a Form file in Studio.
  2. Add components into your form. Pay attention to their Property Names, as you might use those in your advanced logic.
  3. Navigate to the Logic tab of the component you want to change (i.e., the component upon which the action should take place).
  4. Click +Add Logic. You can add as many logics as you want.
  5. Enter a name for your logic.
  6. In the Trigger pane, select the type of trigger you want to use in your logic. The available types are Simple, Javascript, JSON Logic, and Event. Set the desired conditions to trigger the action.
  7. In the Action pane, click +Add Action. You can add as many actions as you want, all triggered by the logic that groups them.
  8. Enter a name for your action.
  9. Select the type of action you want to use. The available types are Property, Value, Merge Component Schema, and Custom Action. Set the desired effect of your action.
  10. To save your logic, click Save Logic..
The above procedure applies generically to any type of trigger or action. For a detailed procedure, check out the specific tutorials, which provide examples of each specific trigger and action type:

Before you follow the tutorials, see the sample forms here.

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