Productivity Activities
Last updated Sep 13, 2024


This setup is required when using the classic Microsoft 365 activities. If you are using the newer Microsoft 365 activities with Integration Service connections, see.…


To enable the Microsoft Office 365 activities, your app must be integrated with the Microsoft identity platform and have the correct Microsoft Graph API permissions assigned to it.

To integrate your application, assign permissions, and start building your automation project, complete the following steps:

  1. Register your application.
  2. Add API permissions.
  3. Build your project.

After registering your Microsoft Office 365 application, Azure Active Directory assigns a unique application (client) ID that you enter in the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity along with the services that you assigned permissions to (e.g., files, mail, calendar).


Register your application
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal using your personal, work, or school Microsoft Office 365 account.
  2. In the left-hand navigation panel, click Azure Active Directory.
  3. After the Azure Active Directory page opens, click App registrations.
  4. Click + New registration in the top navigation bar.

  5. Enter a Name for your application (e.g., "Office365App").
  6. Under Supported account types, select the option that applies to you. For more information about which option to select, below are Microsoft's recommendations:

    • Accounts in this organizational directory only - Use this option if your target audience is internal to your organization.
    • Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) - Use this option if your target audience is business or educational customers and to enable multitenancy.
    • Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox) - Use this option to target the widest set of Microsoft identities and to enable multitenancy.
  7. Under Redirect URI (optional), enter a URI address (if applicable).

    • Your selection is dependent on your authentication type. For more information on this topic, see the Unattended and Attended Automation section in the Microsoft 365 Scope activity details page).
    • In our example, the organization supports multi-tenant authentication and can only use the Interactive Token authentication type which requires a redirect URI.
    • If your authentication type is Integrated Windows Authentication or Username and Password, you don't need to register a redirect URI for your application. These flows do a round trip to the Microsoft identity platform v2.0 endpoint, and your application won't be called back on any specific URI.
    • When working with Office 365 in a UiPath Studio project targeting .NET 5.0, the clients should add http://localhost to the Redirect URI of their custom applications.

      For more information, see Desktop app-registration in the Microsoft identity platform documentation.

  8. Click Register. An example configuration is available in the screenshot below.
    Note: This setup is just an example. Follow the steps described in the documentation and make selections based on your organization's policies.

    Today the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL.NET) uses urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as the default redirect URI and this value will likely work for you when using the InteractiveToken authentication type (we use this in all of our examples and Quickstart guides).
    In the future, Microsoft plans to change the default redirect URI to, so you may consider using this instead.

You're done! Now, let's add API permissions to your registered application.

Add API permissions
  1. From your registered application page (Azure portal > Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Office365App), click API permissions in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. After the API permission page opens, click + Add a permission (this opens the Request API permissions window).
  3. Under Select an API, click Microsoft APIs (may be open by default).
  4. Under Commonly used Microsoft APIs, click Microsoft Graph.

  5. Under What type of permissions does your application require?, click Delegated permissions or Application permissions to show the list of permissions. Application permissions must be set when the value of AuthenticationType in the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity is set to ApplicationIdAndSecret or ApplicationIdAndCertificate. The other authentication types available in Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity require Delegated permissions.

    For more information about permission types, see Configure a client application to access web APIs in the Microsoft Azure documentation.


    Some activities do not support ApplicationIdAndSecret or ApplicationIdAndCertificate authentication type (e.g. Find Meeting Times).

    For email activities, it is mandatory to specify a value for the Account parameter (i.e. which mailbox of all tenant's mailboxes do you want to use).

    When using this authentication type, the application has access to all mailboxes from your tenant, the reason being that application API permission Mail.Read means Read mail in all mailboxes and Mail.ReadWrite means Read and write mail in all mailboxes.

    One solution is to restrict Application permissions to specific mailboxes, so the application has access only to the specified mailboxes.

    Use Sites.Selected application permission to allow the application to access just the specific SharePoint site collections rather than all.

  6. Use the search bar or scroll down the alphabetical list and select the following permissions:

    • Calendar

      • Calendars.Read
      • Calendars.ReadWrite
    • Files

      • Files.Read
      • Files.Read.All
      • Files.ReadWrite
      • Files.ReadWrite.All
    • Sites

      • Sites.Read.All
      • Sites.ReadWrite.All
    • Mail

      • Mail.Read
      • Mail.ReadWrite
      • Mail.Send
    • Shared\*

      • Mail.Read.Shared
      • Mail.ReadWrite.Shared
      • Mail.Send.Shared
      • Calendars.Read.Shared
      • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared

        \* Scopes needed to access resources that are shared with, but not owned by, the user.

    • Click Add permissions (returning you to your list of API permissions)

  7. Verify your API permissions include your added Calendars, Files, and Mail permissions.

Build your project
  1. Create a new automation project.

    • Open UiPath Studio.
    • Under New Project, click Process (this opens a New Blank Process window).
    • Enter a project Name, Location, and Description.
    • Click Create.

  2. Install the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package.

    • In the Design ribbon, click Manage Packages (this opens the Manage Packages window).
    • Under All Packages, click Go!
    • In the Search bar, enter Office365.
    • Click, install and accept the license for the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.

      For more information about Uipath Studio packages, see Managing Packages in the Studio Guide.

You're done!

Now that you have completed the setup, you can start adding the Microsoft Office 365 activities to your project.

Next steps

For a hands-on learning experience and to quickly start using the activities, see the Quickstart guides. These guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you create working samples of the different activities so that you can verify the connection to your registered app and get familiar with the input/output properties.

To learn more about the Microsoft Office 365 activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the activities main page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

  • Introduction
  • Steps
  • Next steps

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