Productivity Activities
Last updated Sep 13, 2024

Update Event



Updates the properties of the indicated event. The properties that are not modified are not changed.


This activity requires the following scopes:




Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Gmail connection - The connection for the Google Workspace account to use in the activity.
  • Event to modify - The name of the event to update. This property supports String variables and string formatted values. For example, you can use the output variable of a Create Event activity.
  • Event title - The new name of the event. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • End date and time - Use the calendar widget to select the date and time when the event ends. This property supports DateTime variables and DateTime formatted values (MM/DD/YYYY Hour:Minute:Seconds, e.g., 01/10/2023 13:00:00). Use the See more docs image button menu to select Snippets and use a predefined value: Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, StartOfNextWeek, StartOfNextMonth, Now.
  • Timezone - Select the time zone for the event. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.

    All day event - Specifies whether the event takes place all day. This field supports Boolean values. If True is selected, this option supersedes the Start and End times of the event.

Additional options


  • Change required attendees - The options to update the required attendees: No change, Overwrite, Add and/or Remove.
    • Overwrite option:
      • Required Attendee(s) - The attendees or attendees list that replaces existing attendees. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
    • Add and/or Remove option:
      • Add required attendee(s) - The attendees to add. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
      • Remove required attendee(s) - The attendees to remove. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Change optional attendees - The options to update the optional attendees: No change, Overwrite, Add and/or Remove.
    • Overwrite option:
      • Optional Attendee(s) - The attendees or attendees list that replaces existing attendees. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Add and/or Remove option:
    • Add optional attendee(s) - The attendees to add. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
    • Remove optional attendee(s) - The attendees to remove. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Change resource attendees - The options to update the resource attendees: No change, Overwrite, Add and/or Remove.
    • Overwrite option:
      • Resource Attendee(s) - The attendees or attendees list that replaces existing attendees. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
    • Add and/or Remove option:
      • Add resource attendee(s) - The attendees to add. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
      • Remove resource attendee(s) - The attendees to remove. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Location - Specifies the location of the event. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
    Conference data - Indicates if the event should contain conference data. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Description - The description of the event to be created. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Show as - The event status displayed in the calendar. The available options are Busy and Free.
  • Visibility - The visibility label applied to the event. The available options are Default, Private, Public, and Confidential.
  • Timezone for output event - The time zone for the output event. If left blank, the calendar time zone is used. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Send notification - Specifies if notifications should be sent out to the selected attendees. The available options are All, External Only, and None.
  • Can modify the event - Specifies if guests can edit the event. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Can invite others - Specifies if guests can invite other attendees to the event. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Can see attendees list - Specifies if guests can see the list of attendees who are invited. This property supports Boolean values.


  • Google event - The event modified by the activity. Automatically generated output variable. You can use it as it is or save it with a different name. You can use this in other activities, such as Forward Event.


See also:
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Example

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