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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 21, 2025

Invoke Workflow File



Synchronously invokes a specified workflow, optionally passing it a list of input arguments.

  • Importing arguments from a workflow auto-matches them to existing variables if they share the same name and data type.
  • Unserializable data types cannot be passed between isolated workflows (e.g. UIBrowser, UIElement, etc).
  • Antivirus policies that restrict PowerShell access may prevent the use of PowerShell-related activities. For example, you cannot use Invoke Workflow File and Invoke Power Shell when rule ID 6151 is enabled in McAfee Endpoint Security.
  • After running an invoked workflow that adds custom log fields, the log fields are restored to the configuration of the parent workflow.
  • Passing IN arguments to an Invoke Workflow File activity that is not isolated acts as if a reference is passed, which means any changes to the object inside the invoked workflow change the object in the main workflow.
  • Variables and arguments are not supported for workflow file names in Windows and cross-platform projects. Disregarding this notice triggers an "Expressions are currently not supported" error notification.
  • When invoking a workflow, make sure it does not contain persistence activities. These should only be used in the main workflow.

The workflow that is referenced in the WorkflowFileName property can be opened in the current project by using the Open Workflow button in the body of the activity.

Note: Every invoked .xaml file whose title contains a dot (.) has all the text that is before the dot (including the dot) replaced with an underscore (_).

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows | Cross-platform

Windows, Cross-platform configuration

  • Workflow file name - The file path of the .xaml file to be invoked. The file path is relative to the current project folder. This field accepts only strings or string variables. String variables are not supported in Windows and cross-platform projects. All strings must be placed between quotes. To open the workflow in a different tab of the same project, select Open workflow at the right side of the field.
  • Arguments - Default option. Opens the arguments dictionary, where you can see the arguments of the invoked workflow. You can also define a variable to hold a dictionary of arguments by selecting Use an expression at the right side of the field. This converts the Arguments field to Arguments variable. To retrieve the latest list of workflow arguments, select Refresh arguments at the right side of the field.

  • Arguments variable - Activated by the Use an expression option from the Arguments field. You can use a predefined variable, or you can create a new one either by using VB expressions or prompting the Autopilot to generate one for you. Use this variable to hold the dictionary of arguments for the invoked workflow. Switch back to the Arguments option by selecting Use Static Names at the right side of the field. To open the arguments list and edit their attributes, select the Arguments field box.

  • If the value of Arguments variable is null at runtime, the activity falls back to the Arguments property.

  • Switching between the Arguments and Arguments variable properties reveals the previous value.

  • The value of Arguments variable is lost upon closing the Expression Editor.

Additional properties
  • Timeout - Specifies the amount of time to wait for the invoked workflow to run before an error is thrown and the workflow is aborted. This field supports only TimeSpan variables. By default, this field is empty.
  • Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (true, false). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.

    Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.


  • Target session (exclusively for Windows projects) - Specifies the session in which the workflow is started. Only isolated workflows can be started in a different session from the parent, so make sure to set the Isolated property to True. You can choose one of the following options:

    • Current - The child process opens in the same session as the parent one.
    • Main - The child process starts in the main session regardless to where the parent process runs.
    • Picture in Picture - The child process starts in the Picture in Picture session regardless to where the parent process runs.

  • Isolated - Select True to run the invoked workflow in a separate Windows process. This helps with isolating a faulty workflow from the main workflow. False by default.


  • Log Entry - Specify the type of information to automatically log when entering the invoked resource.
  • Log Exit - Specify the type of information to automatically log when exiting the invoked resource.
  • LogLevel - Specify the logging level applied to the messages generated by Log Entry and Log Exit.

Windows - Legacy configuration

Designer panel

You can find the following properties in the body of the activity:

  • Workflow file name - The file path of the .xaml file to be invoked. The file path is relative to the current project folder. This field accepts only strings or string variables. String variables are supported. All strings must be placed between quotes.

  • Importing Arguments - Opens an Arguments panel which features all of the arguments of the workflow referenced in the Workflow file name property.

    This panel enables you to choose which arguments you want to import from the invoked workflow by using the directional controls or the Delete button to reorganize the arguments. Clicking OK saves the changes.
    • Creating arguments in the panel causes them to be discarded, as they do not match the data in the invoked workflow.
    • Argument names are case sensitive in the panel.
    Once the panel is closed, a counter next to the button shows how many arguments have been selected for importing. The counter is color coded, as follows:
    • orange - If there is a mismatch between the selected arguments and the ones that exist in the invoked workflow.
    • grey - If the selected arguments are found in the invoked workflow.
  • Open Workflow - Enables you to open the invoked workflow in a different tab of the same project.

Properties panel
  • Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (true, false). The default value is false. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
    Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.
  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.

  • Timeout - Specifies the amount of time to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. This field supports only TimeSpan variables. By default, this field is empty.
  • Arguments - The parameters that can be passed to the application at the time of invocation.
  • ArgumentsVariable - The parameters that can be passed dynamically to the workflow using a dictionary.
  • Isolated - If this check box is selected, the invoked workflow runs in a separate Windows process. This helps with isolating a faulty workflow from the main workflow.
  • Workflow file name - The file path of the .xaml file to be invoked. The file path is relative to the current project folder. This field accepts only strings or string variables. String variables are supported. All strings must be placed between quotes.

    Note: When using 2021.10 and older robots, Business Exceptions are not supported in an isolated workflow, all exceptions return as System Exceptions.


  • Log Entry - Specify the type of information to automatically log when entering the invoked resource.
  • Log Exit - Specify the type of information to automatically log when exiting the invoked resource.
  • LogLevel - Specify the logging level applied to the messages generated by Log Entry and Log Exit.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Target Session (exclusively for Windows projects) - Specifies the session in which the workflow is started. Only isolated workflows can be started in a different session from the parent, so make sure to set the Isolated property to True. You can choose one of the following options:

    • Current - The child process opens in the same session as the parent one.
    • Main - The child process starts in the main session regardless to where the parent process runs.
    • Picture in Picture - The child process starts in the Picture in Picture session regardless to where the parent process runs.

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