- StudioPro
- Orchestrator
- Testing robots
- Test Manager

Test Suite User Guide
Executing Tests
Executing tests can be done either manually or automatically. Manual execution is invoked via Test Manager while automated execution is invoked via UiPath Orchestrator only. No matter which flavour you chose to use, test cases are never executed directly. They are instead executed by executing test sets.
To execute automated tests, a test set needs to be created in . There is no need to have a corresponding test set in Test Manager.
To execute manual tests you first have to create test sets in Test Manager, as explained here. The Test Sets page is the place where you manually execute your tests. Each case has to be treated and marked as either passed or failed with the help of the Manual Execution Assistant. More information is available in the Executing Manual Tests page.
To start the execution:
In the Test Sets page, identify the desired test set and click Execute from the corresponding menu.
The manual execution assistant opens in a new window. Make sure your popup blocker allows the window to be opened.
The manual execution assistant lets you perform a set of manual tests one after each other. You need to set a result on each manual step to advance to the next test case in the set.
Press the button which corresponds to the result you want to set, either passed or failed. Add a comment especially in case of a failure in order to provide details about the particular result. You can set several consecutive steps as passed by clicking Set Passed Till Here.
Once the last step of a test case has a result assigned, you can click Next. This enables you to go to the next test case from the test set. Once you are finished with the last test case, clicking Done finishes the execution entirely.