  • Release notes
    • 2023.4.8
    • 2023.4.7
    • 2023.4.6
    • 2023.4.5
    • 2023.4.4
    • 2023.4.3
    • 2023.4.2
    • 2023.4.1
    • 2023.4.0
  • Getting started
  • Setup and configuration
  • Unassisted Task Mining
  • Additional resources
Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Aug 14, 2024


UiPath® Task Mining is an AI-driven discovery product. It collects employee desktop data, and logs it upon each user action (mouse click, keystroke). Then it leverages AI to analyze the data. Users can then accelerate their discovery journey, and use the insights provided by the product to create action items..

  • Unassisted Task Mining allows you to mine unknown tasks by recording your employees’ desktop activities and discovering repetitive tasks suited for automation and process improvement.

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