- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Setup and Configuration
- Automation Projects
- Dependencies
- Types of Workflows
- File Comparison
- Automation Best Practices
- Source Control Integration
- Debugging
- The Diagnostic Tool
- Workflow Analyzer
- About Workflow Analyzer
- ST-NMG-001 - Variables Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-002 - Arguments Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-004 - Display Name Duplication
- ST-NMG-005 - Variable Overrides Variable
- ST-NMG-006 - Variable Overrides Argument
- ST-NMG-008 - Variable Length Exceeded
- ST-NMG-009 - Prefix Datatable Variables
- ST-NMG-011 - Prefix Datatable Arguments
- ST-NMG-012 - Argument Default Values
- ST-NMG-016 - Argument Length Exceeded
- ST-DBP-002 - High Arguments Count
- ST-DBP-003 - Empty Catch Block
- ST-DBP-007 - Multiple Flowchart Layers
- ST-DBP-020 - Undefined Output Properties
- ST-DBP-023 - Empty Workflow
- ST-DBP-024 - Persistence Activity Check
- ST-DBP-025 - Variables Serialization Prerequisite
- ST-DBP-026 - Delay Activity Usage
- ST-DBP-027 - Persistence Best Practice
- ST-DBP-028 - Arguments Serialization Prerequisite
- Variables
- Arguments
- Imported Namespaces
- Recording
- UI Elements
- Control Flow
- Selectors
- Object Repository
- Data Scraping
- Image and Text Automation
- Automating Citrix Technologies
- RDP Automation
- SAP Automation
- VMware Horizon Automation
- Logging
- The ScaleCoordinates Migration Tool
- The ScreenScrapeJavaSupport Tool
- The WebDriver Protocol
- StudioPro
- Extensions
- Troubleshooting

Studio User Guide
Keyboard Shortcuts
The complete list of keyboard shortcuts for UiPath Studio:
Ctrl + Shift + N - Creates a new Blank Process.
Ctrl + C - Copies a file from the Project panel into clipboard. Use Ctrl + V to paste it anywhere in the tree.
or project.json
Ctrl + L - Opens the folder where the Log files are stored.
Ctrl + S - Saves the currently opened workflow.
Ctrl + Shift + S - Saves all the workflows that are currently open.
Ctrl + V - Pastes a file from clipboard into the Project panel.
Ctrl + Tab / Alt + F7 - Moves focus between open workflow files / Studio panels. When you hold the modifier key (Ctrl or Alt respectively), the following window appears, allowing you to switch between files and panels.
F3 or Ctrl + Shift + P - Opens the Command Palette.
Ctrl + Shift + T - Opens the Add an Activity search bar.
Ctrl + Shift + F - Opens the Go to file search bar.
Ctrl + F - Opens the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + J - Opens the Jump to activity search bar.
Ctrl + 1 - Switches to the Current File tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 2 - Switches to the All Files tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 3 - Switches to the Activities tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 4 - Switches to the Variables tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 5 - Switches to the Arguments tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 6 - Switches to the Imports tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 7 - Switches to the Project Files tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 8 - Switches to the Dependencies tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + 9 - Switches to the Snippets tab in the Universal Search bar.
Ctrl + Alt + A - Opens and focuses the Properties panel.
Ctrl + Alt + F - Sets the focus to the search box in the Activities panel.
Ctrl + Alt + O - Sets the focus to the search box in the UI Objects Browser panel.
Ctrl + Alt + P - Opens and focuses the search bar in the Project panel.
Ctrl + Alt + S - Opens and focuses the search bar in Snippets panel.
Tab - Navigates to the next item in the panel or the next element in the activity.
A list of useful keyboard shortcuts is displayed in the Designer panel, when all project files are closed, as illustrated in the image below:
Ctrl + D - Ignores the activity that is currently selected by placing it into a Comment Out container.
Ctrl + E - Removes the activity from the Comment Out container it was placed in.
F9 - Marks the selected activity with a breakpoint.
Ctrl + Shift + B - Opens the Breakpoints panel.
Ctrl + Alt + E - Opens the Error List panel.
F10 - When debugging, steps over the execution of a block of activities in the currently selected workflow.
F11 - When debugging, enables you to step into a block of activities and executes the first one.
Shift + F11 - When debugging, steps out of the current container after its last activity is executed.
Ctrl + Alt + B - Opens the Basic Recording toolbar.
Ctrl + Alt + C - Opens the Citrix Recording toolbar.
Ctrl + Alt + D - Opens the Desktop Recording toolbar.
Ctrl + Alt + W - Opens the Web Recording toolbar.
F2 - Adds delay during a recording activity.
F3 - Lets you specify a custom recording region.
F4 - Lets you choose the UI Framework to record, which can be Default, AA, and UIA.
file set as Main.
Ctrl + F5 - Runs the current project.
file in debugging mode.
F7 - Checks the file for validation errors and Workflow Analyzer violations.
Shift + F7 - Checks the whole project for validation errors and Workflow Analyzer violations.
F8 - Checks the currently opened workflow for validation errors.
Shift + F8 - Checks all project files for validation errors.
Pause - Pauses the execution of the current workflow, in both normal and debug mode.
F12 - Stops the execution of the current workflow, in both normal and debug mode.
Ctrl + T - Places the activity inside the Try section of a Try Catch activity.
Ctrl + N - Creates a new Sequence Diagram in the current project.
Ctrl + C - Copies the selected activity or activities to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V - Pastes the copied activity or activities inside the selected item.
Ctrl + K - Creates a variable of the same type as the required type of the activity when used in an input field or the Expression Editor. If an expression already exists in the field, before pressing CTRL + K, you can select that expression or a part of it to use the selected text as the name of the new variable.
Ctrl + M - Creates an In argument of the same type as the required type of the activity when used in an input field or the Expression Editor. If an expression already exists in the field, before pressing CTRL + M, you can select that expression or a part of it to use the selected text as the name of the new argument.
Ctrl + Shift + M - Creates an Out argument of the same type as the required type of the activity when used in an input field or the Expression Editor. If an expression already exists in the field, before pressing CTRL + Shift + M, you can select that expression or a part of it to use the selected text as the name of the new argument.
Ctrl + Shift + E - Opens the Expression Editor when used inside activity input fields.
Ctrl + Space - Opens the IntelliPrompt window.
F2 - Allows for renaming the selected activity.
Shift + F2 - Adds an annotation to a selected activity.
Enter - Saves the data added in the activity input field.
Shift + Enter - Adds a new line in the activity input field.
F1 - Enables you to access a help topic associated with the currently selected element.
Ctrl + P - Opens the Manage Packages window.
Esc - Closes the Publish, Manage Packages, File Diff windows.
Ctrl + F1 - Minimizes or expands the ribbon.
Shift + Tab - Navigates to the previous activity or node in the Activities panel.