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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Executing Unattended Automations With Automation Suite Robots

Step 1. Enabling Unattended Automation on an Account

To run unattended automations with a specific account you need to first enable unattended automation on that account.

You can skip this step if you are using robot accounts since they come with unattended automation capabilities by default.

  1. Go to Tenant > Manage access. A window is displayed listing all accounts in that tenant.
  2. Click More Actions > Edit to enable unattended automation for an existing account or Assign Roles > User to reference a user account from Automation Suite.
  3. On the Robot setup tab (step 2), enable the toggle for the Unattended Robot.

  4. Click Update to update an existing account or Create to add a new one.
    • The Machine login credentials and Run only one job at a time settings do not apply to Automation Suite robots.
    • The account which is used for execution and the roles assigned to the account allow for a certain level of access to resources. To ensure successful execution of the process, make sure the account has the necessary roles to perform the operations required by the processes they will execute.

Step 2. Adding Automation Suite Robots to Your Tenant

To enable execution you need to create a machine template of the type Automation Suite Robot - a type of machine template used to add the Automation Suite robots capability to your Orchestrator tenant.

  1. Go to Tenant > Machines.
  2. In the top right, click Add Machine and select Automation Suite Robot.

    The Machine template page opens.

  3. Fill in the Name field and, optionally, fill in the Description field for the machine template.
  4. Optionally, under Tags, if you want to keep track of this machine object together with other resources, define tags.

    For detailed instructions, see Adding tags to machine objects.

    Note: Details about the runtime license requirements and the runtime type to use when running jobs are shown on the right.
  5. On the right, in the Production (Unattended) or Testing field, type the number of runtimes you want to allocate to this template.

    The number of runtimes that you allocate is the umber of processes that each Automation Suite robot can run at the same time. For example, allocating 3 runtimes means that the robot can run up to 3 processes at the same time.

    The allocated runtimes are subtracted from the number of runtimes available for the tenant after you create the template. The runtimes are never released as long as the template exists, even if they are not in use.

  6. Click Provision.

On the Machines page, a success message is displayed along the top and you can see your new template in the list.

Step 3. Giving Access to Folder Resources

In order to run unattended automations, both the account and the Automation Suite Robot machine template must have access to the process to be executed. To do this, you must add the account and machine object previously configured (steps 1 and 2) to the folder that contains the process.

Step 4. Executing Unattended Automations: Manually

Orchestrator allows launching unattended jobs manually from the Jobs page or automatically triggered in a pre-planned manner via triggers.

Important: Each job is limited to 1 hour. Jobs that take longer are terminated when they reach 1 hour of execution time. Optimize your automation projects or split them into multiple workflows to avoid reaching the 1 hour limit.
  1. Go to the folder that contains the processes, by selecting it in the sidebar menu.
  2. In the context of the selected folder, go to Automations > Jobs.

    The Jobs page is displayed.

  3. Click Start to start a new job.
  4. From the Runtime license drop-down, select Production (Unattended) or Testing.
  5. Click Start.

A Command sent message is displayed and you can see the job in the list.

Step 5. Executing Unattended Automations: Automatically Triggered

  1. Go to the folder that contains the processes, by choosing it from the sidebar menu.
  2. In the context of the selected folder, go to Automations > Triggers.

    The Triggers page is displayed.

  3. Click Add a new trigger to configure the mechanism for launching the jobs via triggers.
  4. Configure the necessary fields.
  5. On the Runtime license drop-down, select Production (Unattended) or Testing.
  6. Click Add.

A Save successful message is displayed and you can see the trigger in the list. A job is launched according to your configuration. All jobs and their statuses are listed on the Jobs page.

Machine Sizes and Costs

To run processes using serverless robots, you must have:

  • the required number of Production (Unattended) or Testing runtimes available for the tenant in which the process needs to run
  • adequate hardware to support the required number of executions.

Supported runtimes

You can choose between Production (Unattended) or Testing runtimes to run jobs. The following table describes each option.

License type

Runtime behavior

Production (Unattended)

You can use this runtime in production to run unattended processes.


You can use this runtime to run test sets and test cases as well as unattended processes.

Choosing the machine size

Because each process has particular needs, you set the machine size in the configuration of a process.

For any cross-platform process, the Automation Suite Robots list is available on the Additional Settings tab when creating or editing a process. Use this list to choose the machine size you want to use for each process.

The option is available for all cross-platform processes, which are candidates for being run using serverless robots, but the option has no effect unless it is executed by a serverless robot.

Automatic machine size selection

All your cross-platform processes have the Automation Suite Robots option set to Automatic by default. This setting selects the appropriate machine size for running the process using serverless robots.

When automatically choosing the size, the criteria listed in the below table are evaluated in order. As soon as one criterion is satisfied, the corresponding machine size is chosen and the remaining criteria are not evaluated.



Machine size


Remote debugging job



Process depends on UI Automation




Other unattended process


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