Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 12, 2024

Metering and charging logic

When using UiPath® Document UnderstandingTM modern projects, it's essential to understand the system we use for metering and charging, specifically in relation to AI units. The main operation that we charge is digitization, without charging subsequent operations, like extraction or classification. If digitization for the same document takes place multiple times, it will be charged multiple times.

AI units charges per page

A unique feature for modern projects is that regardless of the operations performed on a page - be it digitization, extraction, or classification - only one single AI unit is charged. This applies to all operations, encompassing both robotic process automation (RPA) and public APIs operations.

Check the examples below for AI units consumption depending on the operations done per page:
  • OCR only → 1 AI unit / page
  • OCR and classification → 1 AI unit / page
  • OCR, classification, and extraction → 1 AI unit / page


For the DocumentUnderstanding.Activities package, the following metering and charging policies apply:
  • If you use the Classify Document activity to process a document, triggering digitization and the result is stored in a Document Data → 1 AI unit / input page
  • If you use the Extract Document Data activity to:
    • Process a document using the file itself as input, triggering digitization → 2 AI units / page
    • Process a document using Document Data, the output of Classify Document, as input → 1 AI Unit / page

AI units and model training

There are no AI units charged when training and serving models. This means you can freely train models to improve performance, develop new capabilities, and experiment without concerns about incurring additional AI units charges.

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