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Data Service User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated May 9, 2024


A Date-Time field is used to store a value that contains a date and time. A date picker can be used to select a date and time.

Exclude time

To remove the time component from your Date-Time data, select the Exclude time checkbox. This enforces only date selection in the date picker. Additionally, fields with this option selected are displayed as type Date, instead of type Date-Time.

Note: All Date-Time and Date fields are stored as UTC dates and times in Data Service.


Below is an overview of the details that can be specified to define a Date-Time field.




Default Value

Exclude time

Removes the time component from your Date-Time data.



Default Value

Enables you to specify a default value for the Date-Time field.

Note: The default value can be changed in the Data tab.




Enables you to enter a short text to describe the purpose of the Date-Time field.

Note: The Description is displayed in Fields tab.



Representation in UiPath® Studio

A Date-Time field is imported as DateTimeOffset and a Date field is imported as DateTime in your project.

  • Exclude time
  • Details
  • Representation in UiPath® Studio

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