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November 2022

Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
November 2022
Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: Outdated assessment versions can be deleted and not shown in the version history list. The assessment needs to be archived before it can be deleted.
Open API:
- You can get Audit logs data via the Open API by building an Open API endpoint for Audit Logs and filter via Time stamp - Start Date/End Date. Currently, the default limit is 20 items, but you can modify the limit to get all the events dynamically.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Jira integration: When you're enabling the Jira integration, after selecting a Jira issue template and validating it, the integration is tested. If an error occurs, a notification is displayed with the error details and the integration will not be enabled.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: For single choice and multiple choice questions the number of maximum allowed answers is increased to 40 answer options.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Removed the screen width restriction, so now Automation Pipeline is easier to browse if you're using a 2560x1440 resolution monitor or higher.
- Automation Profile: Improved the pop-up message displayed after clicking Start development for any Idea type, when the development type = CoE, phase = Development, Status = Not started.
- Admin Console > Manage Access > Roles: A user with a custom role with archive and delete functionalities disabled could still archive and delete an automation if they had at least one of the following permissions: Submit the assessment, Access to All, and Review tables to perform the Business Reviews of Automations, Edit all details of any idea, Review an assessed idea.
- Admin Console > Manage Access > Roles: Users having a custom role with
View sensitive information from Cost Benefit Analysis
permission granted couldn't access the Cost Benefit Analysis page. - Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: When updating an assessment from which a numerical question with no KPI impact was deleted, an error was displayed saying that it did impact a KPI.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: Copying an existing Overview Assessment wasn't working as intended.
- Explore Automation Program: Searching with certain strings/symbols in Japanese characters wasn't showing any results.
- Workspace > My Submissions: The
Give it a try
link wasn't redirecting to the proper page. The link is available only for users with no automations submitted. - E-mail notification: The
Begin the UiPath Automation Hub Trial
e-mail wasn't sent to users after creating a new Automation Hub organization. (applicable to trial accounts only) - Automation Profile: A hyperlink added to a text in a custom field in edit mode, wasn't working after saving.
- Automation Profile: If the components section was disabled for a tenant by the account owner, then a visual misalignment could be observed in the edit rights screen for collaborators.
- Localization:
Hours per year
wasn't translated properly into Japanese language.
The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.
If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon after we roll out changes to all the regions.