Automation Hub User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Bulk Upload Users

As an Automation Cloud Organization Administrator you can Bulk Upload Users users to your Automation Hub service and invite them to an Automation Cloud account by following the below steps:

Note: If the AD integration is enabled for your tenant, this option is no longer available.
Note: Steps 1-8 are the steps already performed for adding add multiple users into an Automation Hub instance. If you are familiar with the process, go directly to step 9.
  1. Access Admin Console > Manage Access > Assign Roles.
  2. Click Download CSV** and select Download Template.
  3. An empty CSV file with a specific header is downloaded. Add here all the necessary information for the new user accounts.

    • The only accepted separator for the CSV format is the comma.
    • Keep the header as downloaded.
  4. Ad the details for the new user accounts in the CSV. Follow the details from this page.
  5. Click Upload CSV to apply the CSV file you updated with the new user accounts information.

  6. A preview page containing the information from the CSV is displayed.
  7. Check it out, if updates are needed, apply them. Use the Search function in order to narrow down the list.
  8. As soon as you confirm the information is correct click Sync Updates.
  9. Confirm if the newly added user should be invited in the Automation Cloud.

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