UI Automation Activities
Last updated Aug 13, 2024


Sets the selected item on a target UI element.


Namespace: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API (in UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.dll)


SetSelectedItem(IElementDescriptor, string, MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions)Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as an IElementDescriptor.
SetSelectedItem(ObjectRepositoryTarget, string, MobileOptions.SelectedItemOptions)Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as an ObjectRepositoryTarget.
SetSelectedItem(SelectorTarget, string, MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions)Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as a SelectorTarget.

SetSelectedItem(IElementDescriptor, string, MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions)

Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as an IElementDescriptor.
	    IElementDescriptor element,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
	    IElementDescriptor element,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
A UI element from the Object Repository that you access using the ObjectRepository.Descriptors class.

Visit Using objects in coded automations with Mobile Automation to learn how to use Object Repository elements with mobile automation.

selectedItem String
The item that will be selected after this call.
options MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions
Specifies the MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions for the set text action. Default value is null.

SetSelectedItem(ObjectRepositoryTarget, string, MobileOptions.SelectedItemOptions)

Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as an ObjectRepositoryTarget.
	    ObjectRepositoryTarget objectRepositoryTarget,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
	    ObjectRepositoryTarget objectRepositoryTarget,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
objectRepositoryTarget ObjectRepositoryTarget
An object of type ObjectRepositoryTarget.
selectedItem String
The item that will be selected after this call.
options MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions
Specifies the MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions for the set text action. Default value is null.

SetSelectedItem(SelectorTarget, string, MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions)

Sets the selected item on a target UI element, identified as a SelectorTarget.
	    SelectorTarget targetSelector,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
	    SelectorTarget targetSelector,
	    string selectedItem,
	    MobileOptions. SetSelectedItemOptions options = null
targetSelector SelectorTarget
An object of SelectorTarget type. Can be constructed using FromSelector(String) method.
selectedItem String
The item that will be selected after this call.
options MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions
Specifies the MobileOptions.SetSelectedItemOptions for the set text action. Default value is null.

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