UI Automation Activities
Last updated Aug 13, 2024


Execute native mobile commands that are not associated with a specific endpoint. For example, you can retrieve the battery info or dismiss alerts (see Appium Commands).


Namespace: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API (in UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.dll)

ExecuteCommand(string, Dictionary<string,Object>,MobileOptions.ExecuteCommandOptions)

	    string command,
	    Dictionary<string, Object> parameters = null,
	    MobileOptions.ExecuteCommandOptions options = null
	    string command,
	    Dictionary<string, Object> parameters = null,
	    MobileOptions.ExecuteCommandOptions options = null
command String
The command that you want to execute.
parameters Dictionary< String, Object> (Optional)
A Dictionary<TKey, TValue>) containing the list of parameter names and their corresponding values.
options MobileOptions.ExecuteCommandOptions (Optional)
Specifies the MobileOptions.ExecuteCommandOptions for the ExecuteCommand action. Default value is null.

Return value

Returns the result of the executed command as object of type (Object)

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