UI Automation Activities
Last updated Aug 13, 2024


Save logs of a specific type to a file.


Namespace: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.MobileAutomation.API (in UiPath.MobileAutomation.API.dll)

SaveLogs(string, string, Boolean, MobileOptions.SaveLogsOptions)

	    string logType,
	    string logFilePath,
	    bool appendToLogFile = true,
	    MobileOptions. SaveLogsOptions options = null
	    string logType,
	    string logFilePath,
	    bool appendToLogFile = true,
	    MobileOptions. SaveLogsOptions options = null
logType String
A string specifying the log type that you want to save. The list of available log types can be obtained by calling GetLogTypes(MobileOptions.GetLogTypesOptions).
logFilePath String
A string containing the filename where the logs will be saved.
appendToLogFile Boolean (Optional)
Specifies whether to append log entries to an existing file or overwrite the file. Set to true to append entries. Set false to overwrite the file. If the file doesn't exist, a new one is created.
options MobileOptions.SaveLogsOptions
Specifies the MobileOptions.SaveLogsOptions for the SaveLogs action. Default value is null.

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