UI Automation Activities
Last updated Aug 13, 2024

Project compatibility

In this page, you can check the availability of the UI Automation activities with the different project compatibilities in UiPath Studio.

Classic activities


Windows - Legacy



All Classic activities



not available

Modern activities


Windows - Legacy


Application Event Trigger availableavailablenot available
Check App Stateavailableavailableavailable
Check Elementavailableavailableavailable
Click Event Triggeravailableavailablenot available
Close Popupnot availableavailableavailable
Drag and Dropavailableavailablenot available
Extract Table Dataavailableavailableavailable
For Each UI Elementavailableavailablenot available
Get Attributeavailableavailableavailable
Get Browser Dataavailableavailablenot available
Get Textavailableavailableavailable
Get URLavailableavailableavailable
Go to URLavailableavailableavailable
Inject Js Scriptavailableavailableavailable
Keyboard Shortcutsavailableavailableavailable2
Keypress Event Triggeravailableavailablenot available
Mouse Scrollavailableavailableavailable
Navigate Browseravailableavailableavailable
Select Itemavailableavailableavailable
Set Browser Dataavailableavailablenot available
Set Runtime Browsernot availableavailableavailable
Set Textavailableavailablenot available
Take Screenshotavailableavailableavailable
Type Intoavailableavailableavailable3
Use Application/Browser availableavailableavailable4

1 Only the Same As Browser, Simulate, and Chromium API input methods are supported. The CursorMotionType property is removed because it is based on the Hardware Events input method.

2 It only supports the Chromium API input method.

3 Only the Same As Browser, Simulate, and Chromium API input methods are supported.

4 This activity is renamed to Use Browser and is no longer suitable for indicating anything else than browser windows. The Resize window and Window attach mode properties are no longer available. It only supports the Simulate and Chromium API input methods.

Semantic activities

ActivityWindows - LegacyWindowsCross-platform
All Semantic activitiesnot availableavailableavailable

Computer Vision activities

ActivityWindows - LegacyWindowsCross-platform
All Computer Vision activitiesavailableavailablenot available


Cross-platform automation projects are designed to run cross-platform on Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. With the UI Automation activity package, you can create Chrome browser-based automation projects that run cross-platform.

Design-time experience

The activities available in this project type are pointed out in the provided tables.

Available OCR engines:

  • UiPath Screen OCR
  • UiPath Document OCR
  • OCR for Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  • UiPath Extended Languages OCR

Supported browsers:

  • Chrome on Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Microsoft Edge on Windows

Activities specifics

Being tailored for a multitude of platforms, the activities used by cross-platform projects have a slightly different behavior when compared to the normal ones and have been, in some cases, stripped of some features, to ensure compatibility. In this section, you can find a list of these differences.

Input methods

The Hardware Events input method is not supported in cross-platform automation. Thus, the Simulate and Chromium API input methods are the only available input methods.

Targeting methods

Only Chrome is supported, and targets are only generated by using Strict Selectors, Fuzzy Selectors, and Computer Vision, without Image and Native Text.

Project settings

The available Project Settings categories are:

  • Generic - All Project Settings.
  • Targeting Methods Web - Strict Selector, Fuzzy Selector, Enable Anchors, Ignore IDX, Input Modes for Simulate, and Chromium API.
  • Application/Browser - Close, Open, UserDataMode, UserDataFolder.
  • OtherActivities - CheckAppState, Hover.
  • KeyboardEvents - ClickBeforeTyping, Empty Field.

Capture All Elements

To be able to use the Capture All Elements feature, the mandatory Computer Vision API key and URL are displayed in the Project Settings.

Runtime experience

Automations created with cross-platform projects can run on Windows, Linux robots, and macOS via the UiPath Assistant.

On Windows, you can run attended automations serverless from Microsoft Edge.

You can read more on how this is achieved below:

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