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Test Suite Installation Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 5, 2025

Local Azure Resource Manager Deployment

In this topic, you will learn how to deploy Test Manager locally as an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template using the local deployment script.


To set up the deployment environment for Test Manager, create a folder named arm and place it next to all the artifacts downloaded under Requirements. Inside the arm folder, you need two files:

The folder location for your packages will look like in the screenshot below.

Note: If you need to deploy the entire UiPath infrastructure, you will also need the following:

Provision resources before Test Manager installation

To provision the resources for the Test Manager instance, you need to run the TestManagerLocalDeploymentWrapper.ps1 script. You can use this procedure if you don't have the Test Manager resources already provisioned.
Open Windows PowerShell and run the TestManagerLocalDeploymentWrapper.ps1 script with the -Provision flag and then supply the following parameters.




The name of the Azure Resource Group where UiPath Test Manager resources will be provisioned.


The password for the admin credentials for the Azure SQL Server.


The username for the admin credentials for the Azure SQL Server.


The database size for the Azure SQL Database resource which will be created. Available options: "Small", "Medium", "Large".


The name for the Azure SQL Database resource which will be created.


The name for the Azure Web App resource which will be created.


The name for the Azure Storage Account resource which will be created.


The name for the Azure SQL Server resource which will be created.


The name of the Azure Region where the resource will be created. For example, west_europe.


The name of the Azure App Service Plan resource which will be created.


The type of the Azure Storage Resource which will be created.


The name of the App Insights resource which will be created.

Script example

In the following example, the local deployment script is executed to provision resources to Test Manager.

  1. Use the az login to log in to your Azure environment.
  2. Set the Azure context to the subscription where you are about to deploy Test Manager (e.g., to set it to Dev-Test-SL-EA subscription run the following: az account set --subscription "DevTest-SL-EA".
  3. Run the TestManagerLocalDeploymentWrapper.ps1 script with the -Provision flag and then supply the following parameters.
    -resourceGroupName "tmh-testing" 
    -SQLServerAdminPassword: "password" 
    -SQLServerAdminLogin: "sqladmin" 
    -TMDBSize: "Small" 
    -TMAppName: "tmh-test" 
    -TMDatabaseName: "tmhtestsqldb" 
    -SQLServerName: "tmhtestsql" 
    -storageAccountName: "tmhtestst" 
    -location: "northeurope" 
    -TMAppServicePlan: "tmhtestasp" 
    -storageAccountType: "Standard_LRS" 
    -TMAppInsights: "tmhtestinsights" 
    -resourceGroupName "tmh-testing" 
    -SQLServerAdminPassword: "password" 
    -SQLServerAdminLogin: "sqladmin" 
    -TMDBSize: "Small" 
    -TMAppName: "tmh-test" 
    -TMDatabaseName: "tmhtestsqldb" 
    -SQLServerName: "tmhtestsql" 
    -storageAccountName: "tmhtestst" 
    -location: "northeurope" 
    -TMAppServicePlan: "tmhtestasp" 
    -storageAccountType: "Standard_LRS" 
    -TMAppInsights: "tmhtestinsights" 
  • Requirements
  • Provision resources before Test Manager installation
  • Script example

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