  • Release notes Test Manager
    • Release notes Test Manager
      • 2022.4.13
      • 2022.4.11
      • 2022.4.10
      • 2022.4.9
      • 2022.4.8
      • 2022.4.7
      • 2022.4.6
      • 2022.4.5
      • 2022.4.4
      • 2022.4.3
      • 2022.4.2
  • Release notes Studio
  • Release notes Orchestrator
  • Release notes CI/CD integrations
Test Suite™ Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024


Release Date: 1 February 2023

Automation Suite 2022.4.4 is now available.

Important: The capabilities and fixes described in these Release Notes are currently available only in the Automation Suite Test Manager.


Multiple security improvements were made in Test Manager delivered inside Automation Suite 2022.4.4.

  • Improvements

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