- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Tutorials
- Automation Projects
- About Automation Projects
- About Workflow Analyzer
- Governance and Auditing
- Managing Projects With GIT
- Managing Your Project Data
- Creating Automations
- Automation Basics
- Object Repository
- Automation Best Practices
- Tutorial: Creating a Pivot Table
- Tutorial: Iterating Through Rows in a Table
- Tutorial: Comparing Excel Files and Emailing Reconciliation Errors
- Tutorial: Extracting Data From Automated Emails and Moving It to a Desktop Application
- Tutorial: Filtering Data in Excel
- Tutorial: Formatting Cells
- Tutorial: Adding Information About the Files in a Folder to an Excel File
- Tutorial: Adding Your Own Formulas to the Project Notebook
- PowerPoint Automation
- Data Automation
- Common Activities
- Google Workspace Automation
- OneDrive & SharePoint Automation
- Troubleshooting

StudioX User Guide
Managing Your Project Data
The Data Manager panel displays and allows you to manage the data currently added to your automation project. This data includes:
Resources added to the project: Excel files (including the Project Notebook), Mail accounts, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, applications, and browsers.
- To go to the activity where a resource is defined, double-click the entry in the Data Manager.
- To open a file added to the automation or the folder containing the file, right-click an Excel or Word file resource, and then select Open or Open file location. This option is not available when working with remote files (e. g. SharePoint).
- For information about managing Excel resources from the Data Manager, see Excel Automation.
- Variables (saved values) that you created for later use in the project. You can rename and edit variables by right-clicking on a variable and selecting Rename Variable or Edit Variable. Read more about Variables in the Automation Basics guide.
Value mappings created for use in App/Web activity selectors.
- To edit a variable, right-click it and select Open Value Mappings.
- To go to the activity where a variable was created, double-click the variable.
- Arguments, previously named Task Arguments, used in the automation. Read more about Arguments in the Automation Basics guide.
Resources from Orchestrator provided that the Robot is connected to Orchestrator. Read the Connecting Robots to Orchestrator page to find the steps.
- Assets - Assets usually represent shared variables or credentials that can be used in different automation projects. They allow you to store specific information so that the Robots can easily access it.
- Queues - Container that enables you to hold an unlimited number of items. Queue items can store multiple types of data, such as invoice information or customer details, and enable you to create large automation projects underlined by complex logic.
Processes - A process represents a package version linked to a particular folder. When you deploy a new process, it becomes available for all accounts that have access to that Orchestrator folder.
If the Robot connected to Orchestrator is of type Standard, then the Data Manager panel can display only the Classic folder which has this Robot provisioned.
If the Robot is of type Floating, then the panel displays all Classic and Modern folders that this Robot has access to. Read more about creating Robots in Orchestrator here.
The panel displays orchestrator resources such as assets, queues, and processes found in Classic or Modern Folders in Orchestrator. Read more about folders.
To update orchestrator resources, click the Refresh button at the top of the Data Manager panel. Right-click any item under Assets, Queues, and Processes to open it in Orchestrator or to copy its name and use it in activities that interact with such resources.
To add orchestrator resources to the Designer panel, simply drag and drop an item from the panel into the Designer panel. In some cases you may be required to enable the Show Developer filter in the Activities Panel in order to add a resource to the Designer panel.
To filter orchestrator resources, click the funnel icon at the top of the Data Manager panel and select the types of orchestrator resources you want to be displayed in the panel.
- When using a classic, manually provisioned robot, it must be granted
permissions for the corresponding resources (i.e. Assets, Queues, and Processes) to appear in the panel. Read more about setting up Roles and permissions in Orchestrator. - If there are both classic and modern folders in Orchestrator and you are connected to Orchestrator using a robot from a modern folder (you signed in to your account or connected using a machine template key), the processes in the classic folders are not available in the Data Manager panel. To have access to the processes from a classic folder, connect to Orchestrator using a classic robot with a standard machine key connection.