Release date: 21 October 2024
We've added a retry feature for handling premature disconnections of Remote Desktop Session. This can occur in situations beyond the Robot's control, such as failures during the Windows login or loading the user profile.
An executor issue caused the
JSON to incorrectly display the values of the following properties:-
This occurred while debugging projects in Studio.
Previously, the Robot stored Credential Provider logs under a temp folder, risking being cleaned up and possibly interrupting execution. Now, these logs are securely stored in the
directory, minimizing external impact. -
While debugging a workflow in Studio, selecting the Stop option at a breakpoint would not work as expected, and remaining activities would still execute.
For accessibility reasons, screen readers mention the name of the automation when you select the Run button in UiPath Assistant.
The Running tab in Assistant, now renamed as Jobs, displays each job in a separate collapsible section. In case of a failure, the Jobs tab automatically becomes the focus, regardless of your current tab.
To enhance user experience, we’ve split the Information tab into two new tabs: Details, where you will find automation data such as description, version, last-run and last-updated timestamps, and Configure, where you’ll have to provide data required by the automation for a successful execution, such as input arguments or connections.
You can now decide when to dismiss the pop-up notifications in UiPath Assistant. Use the close icon on the toast, or use the keyboard shortcut
. -
The Picture in Picture functionality can now be deactivated from Assistant, by updating the corresponding policy in Automation Ops.
You can now see helpful descriptions for an automation's input arguments when you hover over their info icons. This can stop wrong values from being entered.
Now you can enable the Safari extension for your MacOS automations.
Screen readers now announce automation installation and running statuses in Assistant.
Minor UI improvements included changes to the icon and the title of the Home tab . Now it's named Dashboard.
The UiPath Robot documentation now has a new and improved structure. With this 2024.10 release, we've redesigned the information architecture, aiming to enhance your understanding of Robot components, installation, and execution. Most chapters have been renamed for an intuitive journey to the desired information, and the formerly known User Guide has been repurposed into an Admin Guide.