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Orchestrator installation guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Orchestrator Backup and Restore

This page provides a sample solution for creating scheduled backups of your Orchestrator SQL database. See here how to back up the related web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files and NuGet packages, if applicable.

Backing Up the Orchestrator Database

There are multiple options for performing this backup, including many third-party solutions that you can license and install if desired; however, this example guides you through the process using the integrated Maintenance Plans functionality already present in SQL Server Management Studio.

Creating the Maintenance Plan

  1. From SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the SQL Server of your Orchestrator database.
    Note: Administrator access is required.
  2. Expand the Management folder.

  3. Right-click Maintenance Plans and select Maintenance Plan Wizard. The Maintenance Plan Wizard is displayed.

  4. On the Select Plan Properties page:
    1. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for this maintenance plan.
    2. Use the Description field to provide a detailed description of the plan, if desired.
    3. From the Run as drop-down, select SQL Server Agent service account.
    4. Use the radio buttons and Schedule field to select the desired time and frequency for this maintenance plan.
  5. Click Next. The Select Maintenance Tasks page is displayed.

  6. Select Back Up Database (Full) and click Next. The Define Back Up Database (Full) Task page is displayed.
    Note: To back up the Test Manager database, see Test Manager Backup and Restore.
    Note: This guide only details the setup of a maintenance plan for the creation of a full database backup. In your production environment, it is also recommended to set up a Differential backup plan scheduled to run daily.

  7. From the General tab:
    1. Use the Database(s) drop-down to select Specific databases.
    2. Select Database as the Backup component. In the popup window, select your Orchestrator database (UiPath in the example above).
  8. From the Destination tab, enter the location where all future backups are saved.
  9. The Options tab enables you to select:
    1. Compression for the backup files. If enabled, the time needed to perform the backup increases.
    2. Backup Expiration Date.
    3. Backup Integrity Verification. If enabled, the time needed to perform the backup increases.
  10. Click Finish to create the maintenance plan and Close to close the wizard.

Executing the Maintenance Plan

The backup as defined in your created maintenance plan can also be executed outside of the defined schedule as follows:

  1. From SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the SQL Server of your Orchestrator database.
    Note: Administrator access is required.
  2. Expand the Management folder.
  3. Expand the Maintenance Plans folder.
  4. Right-click the desired maintenance plan and select Execute. The Execute Maintenance Plan window is displayed.

  5. Once completed Success is displayed. You can click Close to exit or select Report to view the execution report.

Restoring the Orchestrator Database

  1. From SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the desired SQL Server.
    Note: Administrator access is required.
  2. Right-click the Databases folder and select Restore Database.
  3. Follow the restoration wizard to select the source of the backup and the destination where it is restored.
    Note: It is possible to restore a database to an earlier point in time. You can also select a new name for your database.
  4. Click OK to begin the restore procedure. Note that this may take some time depending the on size of the database.
  5. Once completed, the new database appears in the Databases tab of SQL Server Management Studio.

Backup Configuration Files and NuGet Packages

Backing up your Orchestrator configuration and NuGet packages requires copying the relevant files and folders to your designated backup location. This page provides the details needed to identify and locate those files and folders you must copy.

Orchestrator Web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config Files


The steps needed to backup your Orchestrator configuration vary slightly depending on your deployment model (e.g. On-prem and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), or PaaS (Platform as a Service)).

On-Prem and IaaS Deployments
  1. Open your Orchestrator installation directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator.
  2. Copy the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files located there to your designated backup location.
Azure PaaS Deployments
  1. Select your Orchestrator App Service.
  2. From the Development Tools menu navigate to Advanced Tools > Go > Debug Console > CMD.
  3. Open the Site folder and navigate to wwwroot.
  4. Select Web.config and click Download.
  5. Copy the downloaded file to your designated backup location.
  6. Select UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config and click Download.
  7. Copy the downloaded file to your designated backup location.
In addition to the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files, you must also copy the Application Settings and Connections Strings as follows:
  1. Select your Orchestrator App Service.
  2. From the Settings menu, select Configuration.
  3. From the Application Settings section, select Advanced Edit and copy the displayed value.
  4. From the Connection strings section, select Advanced Edit and copy the displayed value.
  5. Save these values to your designated backup location.


Note: When restoring the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files, you must do so all on Orchestrator nodes in your deployment.
On-Prem and IaaS Deployments

To restore your previous Orchestrator configuration, whether to a new environment or following a failure:

  1. Copy the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files from your desired backup.
  2. Open your Orchestrator installation directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator.
  3. Replace the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files located there with your designated backup.
Azure PaaS Deployments
After you have retrieved your desired web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config backup file:
  1. Select your Orchestrator App Service.
  2. From the Development Tools menu navigate to Advanced Tools > Go > Debug Console > CMD.
  3. Open the Site folder and navigate to wwwroot.
  4. Replace the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files located there with your designated backup.
In addition to replacing the web.config and UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config files, you must also restore the Application Settings and Connections Strings with their previous values, as follows:
  1. Select your Orchestrator App Service.
  2. From the Settings menu, select Configuration.
  3. From the Application Settings section, select Advanced Edit and replace the value there with your previously saved backup.
  4. From the Connection strings section, select Advanced Edit and replace the value there with your previously saved backup.

NuGet Packages


The location(s) of your NuGet package directories is indicated in the Deployment section of the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file.
  1. Check the value of the NuGet.Repository.Type key. The following values are possible:
    • Legacy - packages are stored in the locations specified in the NuGet.Packages.Path and NuGet.Activities.Path keys.
    • Composite - packages are stored in the locations specified in the Storage.Type and Storage.Location keys.
  2. For Legacy repository types, copy the folders identified by the NuGet.Packages.Path and NuGet.Activities.Path keys to your designated backup location.
  3. For Composite repository types where the Storage.Type key is:
    1. FileSystem - copy the folder(s) identified in the RootPath parameter of the Storage.Location key to your designated backup location.
    2. Azure - a connection string is provided in the Storage.Type key. Data integrity and availability is covered by Microsoft, however you can use their guide if you want to save the files stored there locally.
    3. Amazon - a connection string is provided in the Storage.Type key. Data integrity and availability is covered by Amazon, however you can use their guide if you want to save the files stored there locally.


Restoring your previous NuGet package directories follows the reverse of the backup process detailed above, as follows:

  1. For Legacy repositories, copy your backups of the NuGet packages and activities folders to the directories identified by the NuGet.Packages.Path and NuGet.Activities.Path keys indicated in the Deployment section of the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file.
  2. For Composite repository types where the Storage.Type key is:
    • FileSystem - copy your backup folder(s) to the directory identified in the Storage.Location key of the RootPath parameter, found in the Deployment section of the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file.
    • Azure - enter the previously saved connection string in the Storage.Type key.
    • Amazon - enter the previously saved connection string in the Storage.Type key.

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