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Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 7, 2024


Release date: August 7, 2024

Increased security in the CyberArk credential store

We have enhanced the security measures of the CyberArk credential store in an effort to improve your safety. As a result, lower-level security certificates may now be flagged as invalid.

Additionally, we have strengthened the security of input handling when you configure the credential store and when you use the Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.UsePowerShellCLI parameter to retrieve credentials.
We now allow alpha numeric unicode characters, as well as these special symbols: ['-', '_', ' ', '.', '#', '(', ')', '@', '$']. If you need to allow more characters, you can add them tvia the Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.AdditionalAllowedCharacters parameter.

New parameter to control webhook validation

We have added a new parameter, Webhooks.VerifyAvailability.Enabled, to the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file, with a true or false value. Set the parameter to false to disable webhook reachability validation when configuring the webhook target in the user interface.

New option to allow OS user authentication

We have added the new Allow OS User Authentication option to CyberArk CCP. OS user authentication enhances security by using the credentials of the user logged into the Orchestrator machine.

The option is only displayed when the value of the Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArkCCP.EnableOsUserAuthentication parameter is set to true.

Support for S3 buckets with SSE-KMS

Orchestrator now supports server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS) for Amazon S3 storage buckets.

Improving startup error handling

The 500.30 startup error window has been improved for efficiency and clarity. It is now cleaner, and it includes a link to our documentation pages, which provide details and solutions for each scenario.

Bug fixes

  • An issue was preventing webhooks for Action Center events from being sent.
  • Timeouts occurred when a large number of configured robots retrieved CyberArk® credentials.
  • When configuring the CyberArk credential store, the CyberArk Folder field did not support the / or \ separator characters.
  • As a result of the My profile page removal, the Orchestrator version was no longer visible in the user interface. You can now find the version at the bottom of the user profile section.
  • Custom credential store plugins would not load when they referenced UiPath.Orchestrator.Extensibility as a Nuget package instead of a direct file reference.
  • The Process filter on the Logs page did not include the process names of automations that were run in Studio.
  • The Disable when consecutive job execution fail count and Grace period on disabling the trigger (days) trigger options no longer require the Features.AutoDisableTriggerAfterConsecutiveJobFailures.Enabled parameter to be enabled.
  • HPA scaling of the Orchestrator instance caused intermittent 503 network errors.
  • In instances with host level SAML configured, when you accessed Orchestrator through a specific <OrchestratorURL>/<Organization_name> URL and selected the host level SAML login option, the ACS URL was incorrectly generated using the organization ID from the URL, instead of the expected host level ACS URL. We have fixed this. The system now correctly generates the host-level ACS URL during a host level SAML login, irrespective of the specific organization URL used to access Orchestrator.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

Download location

You can download the latest product version from the Customer Portal.

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