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Orchestrator Installation Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 31, 2024

Webhooks Scripts

Publish to Webhooks

The following table describes all the parameters that you can use with the Publish-Webhooks.ps1 script.




Indicate the scenario to be run, the available options are:

  • Deploy - specifies it is a clean installation;
  • Update - specifies you are updating your Webhooks Service instance.


The Azure service principal ID.

Note: The indicated service principal must be assigned the Contributor role to the app service at the subscription scope.


The Azure token password for the service principal ID.


The Azure subscription ID for the respective App Service.


The Azure tenant ID.


The Webhook Azure App Service name.

Note: This should be different from your Orchestrator App Service name.


Mandatory. The URL of the Orchestrator instance.


The name of the Azure Resource Group that contains the Webhook App Service.


Indicate the full path or relative path of the UiPath.WebhookService.zip archive.


When present, stops the application prior to beginning the deployment and then restarts it after the deployment is complete.

-azureUSGovernmentLoginOptional. This parameter is only used for US Government deployments.

For your Azure App Service installation of Orchestrator, you must also perform these steps to install the Webhooks service:

  1. From your Azure Portal, create a new web application with a custom name, for example: UiPathWebhookService.
  2. In the Publish field, select Code.
  3. For Runtime Stack select .NET Core 3.1.
  4. Open your new web app and navigate to Settings > Configuration.
  5. From the General Settings tab, select 64-bit for the Platform.
  6. Select Save.

    Important: If you did not previously create an Azure AD application and service principal from the Orchestrator installation on Azure, create them now. You must configure these to be able to access your UiPathWebhookService and Resource Group.
  7. Open a Powershell window and execute the Publish-Webhooks.ps1 script. For example:
    .\Publish-Webhooks.ps1 `
    -action deploy `
    -package ".\UiPath.WebhookService.Web.zip" `
    -azureAccountApplicationId "<AzureApplicationID>" `
    -azureAccountPassword "<AzureAccountPassword>" `
    -azureSubscriptionId "<SubscriptionID>" `
    -azureAccountTenantId "<TenantID>" `
    -resourceGroupName "<AzureResourceGroupYouPickedInStep1>" `
    -appServiceName "<UiPathWebhookService>".\Publish-Webhooks.ps1 `
    -action deploy `
    -package ".\UiPath.WebhookService.Web.zip" `
    -azureAccountApplicationId "<AzureApplicationID>" `
    -azureAccountPassword "<AzureAccountPassword>" `
    -azureSubscriptionId "<SubscriptionID>" `
    -azureAccountTenantId "<TenantID>" `
    -resourceGroupName "<AzureResourceGroupYouPickedInStep1>" `
    -appServiceName "<UiPathWebhookService>"
    Important: Following an initial deployment, you must also execute the MigrateTo-Webhooks.ps1 script.

Migrate to Webhooks

The following table describes all the parameters that you can use with the MigrateTo-Webhooks.ps1 script.




Indicate the path to the UiPath.WebhookService.Migrate.Cli.zip archive.


A hash table with the following values:

  • azureAccountApplicationId - The Azure service principal ID..
  • azureAccountPassword - The Azure token password for the service principal ID.
  • azureSubscriptionId - The Azure subscription ID for the respective App Service.
  • azureAccountTenantId- The Azure tenant ID.


A hash table with the following values:

  • resourceGroupName - The name of the Azure Resource Group that contains the Orchestrator App Service.
  • appServiceName - The Orchestrator App Service name.
  • targetSlot - The Target App Service Slot set by Azure.


A hash table with the following values:

  • resourceGroupName - The name of the Azure Resource Group that contains the Webhook App Service.
  • appServiceName - The Webhook App Service name.
  • targetSlot - The Target App Service Slot set by Azure.
This MigrateTo-Webhooks.ps1 script is used to migrate data from an existing Orchestrator instance to a new Webhook App Service and set the configurations for both. The script assumes that Orchestrator and Webhooks are already published.
.\MigrateTo-Webhooks.ps1 `
    -cliPackage "UiPath.WebhookService.Migrator.Cli.zip"`
    -azureDetails @{azureSubscriptionId = "<subscription_id>"; azureAccountTenantId = "<azure_tenant_id>"; azureAccountApplicationId = "<azure_application_id>"; azureAccountPassword = "<azure_account_password>" } `
    -orchDetails @{ resourceGroupName = "<resourcegroup_name>"; appServiceName = "<appservice_name>";  targetSlot = "Production" } `
    -webhookDetails @{ resourceGroupName = "<resourcegroup_name>"; appServiceName = "<appservice_name>"; targetSlot = "Production" }.\MigrateTo-Webhooks.ps1 `
    -cliPackage "UiPath.WebhookService.Migrator.Cli.zip"`
    -azureDetails @{azureSubscriptionId = "<subscription_id>"; azureAccountTenantId = "<azure_tenant_id>"; azureAccountApplicationId = "<azure_application_id>"; azureAccountPassword = "<azure_account_password>" } `
    -orchDetails @{ resourceGroupName = "<resourcegroup_name>"; appServiceName = "<appservice_name>";  targetSlot = "Production" } `
    -webhookDetails @{ resourceGroupName = "<resourcegroup_name>"; appServiceName = "<appservice_name>"; targetSlot = "Production" }
  • Publish to Webhooks
  • Migrate to Webhooks

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