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Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024


Release date: 11 August 2022

Known Issues

  • When you delete a process that is associated to a trigger, that particular trigger is still displayed on the Search page, instead of being deleted along with the process. If you try to edit the trigger on the Search page, the "ProcessSchedule does not exist (#1002)" error is returned.

Bug Fixes

  • Accessing the Orchestrator Host Feed in Studio resulted in the following error: “Failed to retrieve metadata from source”. This happened because the Libraries > Secure deployment setting and the corresponding value in the Orchestrator database were opposite.

    Upon upgrading to this Orchestrator version, the default Libraries > Secure deployment setting is to allow public access to the libraries.

    For fresh installs, the default Libraries > Secure deployment setting is to allow only authenticated user to access the libraries.

  • Known Issues
  • Bug Fixes

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