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Orchestrator User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Nov 11, 2024

Managing Roles

About Roles

Orchestrator uses an access-control mechanism based on roles and permissions. Roles are collections of permissions meaning that the permissions needed to use certain Orchestrator features are included in roles.

For example, here's a custom role where you can see some of the permissions it includes:

Creating a Role With Custom Permissions

  1. Go to Tenant > Manage access and select the Roles tab.
  2. Click Add a new role and select if you want to add a new tenant or folder role.

    A form opens with all the permissions available for the type of role you selected.

  3. In the Name field, type a representative name for the role, such as Action Center Superuser.
  4. Select the check boxes for the permissions you want to include in the new role:

    Note: If you are using Orchestrator through Automation Cloud, you cannot customize rights on Licenses or Users, so you can only grant the View permission for both.
  5. Click Create.

The role is now available and you can add one or multiple users who need the set of permissions that this role provides by following the instructions below.

Modifying the Tenant Roles of a User


These instructions are for assigning tenant roles.

If you need to assign a folder role, you can:

  • go to Tenant > Folders and then select the folder where you want to assign the role
  • select the folder on the left and then go to the Settings page for that folder.
  1. Go to Tenant > Manage access and select the Roles tab.
  2. On the Roles page, click More Actions docs image at the right end of the row and select Manage Users.

    The Manage Users window is displayed and all users, groups, and robots are listed. If the check box on the left is selected, that means they have this role assigned to them.

  3. Select or clear the check boxes as needed so that only those who should have this role are selected.

  4. Click Update to apply your changes.

Changes to roles apply immediately when a user logs in, or automatically within one hour.

Editing a Custom Role

You can only change the permissions for custom roles. To do so:

  1. Go to Tenant > Manage access and select the Roles tab.
  2. Click More Actions docs image at the right end of the row and select Edit.
  3. Change the permissions as needed.
  4. Click Update.

Changes to roles apply immediately when a user logs in, or automatically within one hour.

Removing a Custom Role

You cannot delete any of the default roles, you can only delete custom roles.

  1. Go to Tenant > Manage access and select the Roles tab.
  2. Click More Actions docs image at the right end of the row and select Manage Users.
  3. Review the users who has this role assigned and make sure you reassign them to a different or similar role if needed before deleting the role.
    Note: Deleting a role also removes it from any user that had it assigned. Users without an assigned role cannot access any resource.
  4. Click More Actions docs image at the right end of the row and select Remove.

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