  • Release notes
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Orchestrator release notes

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 7, 2025

January 2023

31 January 2023

Breaking Change

Last login time no longer available

A few weeks ago, we announced that the Last Login column will soon be removed from the Orchestrator tenant-level License page for Attended licenses.

We have since updated the announcement with an API alternative for retrieving this information.

Please see the initial release note below for details.

30 January 2023


Exporting grids in the background

Nothing stops you from interacting with Orchestrator anymore, not even exporting grids! The improved capability allows you to export your data in the background, allowing you to continue working on other tasks while the export is prepared. Additionally, you will be notified in real-time about the status of the export. Moreover, you can find all of your exports centralized in the new My reports page, from where you can download them.

New alerts for exporting operations

A new alert is available for email subscriptions: it's the Exports alert, which informs you about succeeded or failed exports. You will receive this new alert in your alert emails by default, but you can unsubscribe from it if it becomes too spamy.

23 January 2023

Update Server Changes

If the Update Server module is disabled, the update service on the robot machine no longer checks for updates.

Uploading Packages From External Feeds Via API

You can now upload an automation package from an external feed via the /odata/Processes/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.SetArguments endpoint. Make sure the package arguments are the same as the arguments displayed on the Processes page in Orchestrator, as Orchestrator does not validate packages from external feeds.

19 January 2023

Robot Unit Consumption for Testing Automation Cloud Robots - Serverless

Testing Automation Cloud robots - serverless has never been easier. If you were previously worried about the cost implications of such a decision, fret no more as we have now introduced a more affordable option for testing or non-production environments. To put it briefly, we now charge fewer robot units (RUs)/minute for testing serverless jobs.

Note that you must be on the Enterprise, Pro, or Pro Trial licensing plan to benefit from the new testing RU consumption paradigm. If you are a Community user, you cannot use testing runtimes.

While the numbers you were used to continue to be applicable to production environments, test RU consumption has been reduced to half. For more details, see Machine sizes and costs.

Wondering how this is reflected in the Orchestrator UI? First of all, you will see that the runtime details are displayed for both production and testing when configuring the serverless robot machine. Aside from that, when executing the unattended automations, you now need to specify whether you want to use Cloud - Serverless or Cloud - Serverless Testing as a runtime license. You may also want to know that if you run a test case or test set from the Testing panel in Orchestrator, these job types now consume the testing RU amount by default.

Testing Runtimes for Automation Cloud Robots - VM

Similarly to Serverless testing runtimes, now you can execute test cases on your Automation Cloud robots VMs at a lower cost, as we adjusted the robot unit (RU) consumption rate for testing environments. The cost of Automation Cloud test robots starts at 2,000 RUs per month, and increases with your VM size. Just make sure to select the Testing/NonProduction environment while configuring your Cloud robots - VM pool, and then, when you run a job, select the Cloud - VM Testing runtime.

12 January 2023

Multiple Automation Cloud Robot VMs

You now have the option to add multiple VMs to your manually managed Automation Cloud robots - VM pools.

Learn how to add multiple machines after you create the manually managed VM pool.

11 January 2023

Automation User Role Permissions

The Create option for the Execution Media permission is now enabled by default within the tenant-level Automation User role.

Bug Fixes

The process version included in the Job Details window was incorrect, displaying the latest version uploaded to Orchestrator. Now, the Process Version field correctly renders the version used to run the job.

5 January 2023

Breaking Change

Queue items final states are final

In 2022, we allowed setting the Output and Analytics data of a transaction whose status was set to failed via the Set transaction status activity. To ensure the consistency of the final state across queue items, we are enforcing an error response when calling the SetTransactionResult endpoint:
  • with a success payload on a failed item

    POST https://localhost:0000/odata/Queues(1)/UiPathODataSvc.SetTransactionResult
      "transactionResult": {
        "IsSuccessful": true
    }POST https://localhost:0000/odata/Queues(1)/UiPathODataSvc.SetTransactionResult
      "transactionResult": {
        "IsSuccessful": true
  • with a failure payload on a successful item

    POST https://localhost:0000/odata/Queues(1)/UiPathODataSvc.SetTransactionResult
      "transactionResult": {
        "IsSuccessful": false,
        "ProcessingException": {
          "Reason": "string",
          "Details": "string",
          "Type": "ApplicationException"
    }POST https://localhost:0000/odata/Queues(1)/UiPathODataSvc.SetTransactionResult
      "transactionResult": {
        "IsSuccessful": false,
        "ProcessingException": {
          "Reason": "string",
          "Details": "string",
          "Type": "ApplicationException"
The error code is 1866, with the message "Invalid transition from a final status". This indicates that you cannot change the status after the queue item reaches a final state.

Besides optimizing your Queue processing mechanism, this also enables UiPath Insights to update and properly sync data based on queue item events.

Note: This behavioral restriction applies to Enterprise users starting with April 2023. See our Deprecation timeline for details.
Important: You'll be receiving the same error code when you use the DeferDate or DueDate properties in the SetTransactionResult payload to move transactions out of their final states. Going forward, to set a new defer or due date, you'll need to clone the transaction or create a new one.

Bug Fixes

Orchestrator did not display the list of arguments for updated and republished Studio REF projects. This issue occured when adding new arguments on top of existing ones in Studio projects based on Robotic Enterprise Framework templates.

9 January 2023

Custom Credential Hosts and Stores

Orchestrator now offers the necessary infrastructure to add and manage your own secure credential stores. To that end, we have created the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy, which is deployed either through an .msi installer or through a Docker image, and which enables you to integrate third party plugins in the existing solution.

These third party plugins are made available to Orchestrator through credential proxies. Proxies are created at the Orchestrator tenant level, in the new Proxies page, which is available in the Credentials menu, and are linked to the Credentials Proxy through a public URL and a secret key.

To expose the credential stores, on the Stores page, which is also available in the Credentials menu at the tenant level, select the newly created proxy from the Proxy menu. This will display its underlying stores in the Type menu, allowing you to select and define the desired option.

Breaking Change

Last login time no longer available

The Last Login column will soon be removed from the Orchestrator tenant-level License page for Attended licenses. This is because the corresponding API endpoint no longer returns column values.

As an upside, this change will allow details to be loaded faster in environments containing upwards of 300.000 attended robots.

However, if you would like to retrieve this information, you can use the /api/UserPartition/users/{partitionGlobalId} endpoint.

When Can I See These Changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation Timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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