Orchestrator API Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Jul 31, 2024

Rate limits and large data field usage optimization

Rate limits and optimizations around large data fields are industry best practices for maintaining optimal performance levels, highly secure usage, and constant service availability. This is how they benefit you:
  • They ensure a predictable system: knowing the API call limit helps in better designing and maintaining your applications. It provides a predictable environment, minimizing surprises due to unexpected limit breaches.
  • They improve performance: by controlling the traffic on our servers, we ensure optimal performance and quicker responses, significantly improving your product experience.
  • They enhance security: the limits outlined below act as an additional layer of security, protecting your system from potential cyber threats.
  • They ensure fair usage: our rate limits assure equitable resource allocation to all users, and smooth operation even during peak use periods.

The limits and large data fields optimizations outlined below require some adjustments on your end, but we are confident that they will bring long-term benefits.

Rate limits

These are the limits we enforce:




Effective since


  • GET/odata/Jobs

  • GET/odata/Jobs?$top=100

  • GET/odata/Jobs?$top=20&$filter=Robot/Id eq 123L

  • GET/odata/Jobs?$filter=((CreationTime ge 2024-04-04T12:00:47.264Z) and (ProcessType eq 'Process'))&$expand=Robot,Machine,Release&$orderby=CreationTime desc

  • 100 API requests/minute/tenant for non-automation usage1
  • 1,000 API requests/minute/tenant for automation usage2

Community, Canary, and Enterprise tenants: July 2024


  • GET/odata/QueueItems

  • GET/odata/QueueItems/?$top=20

  • GET/odata/QueueItems?$filter=((Status eq '0'))

  • GET/odata/QueueItems?$filter=((QueueDefinitionId eq 102135))&$expand=Robot,ReviewerUser&$orderby=Id desc

  • 100 API requests/minute/tenant for non-automation usage1
  • 1,000 API requests/minute/tenant for automation usage2

Community, Canary, and Enterprise tenants: July 2024

1 Non-automation usage refers to API calls originating from API integrations outside of processes, such as PowerShell scripts and third party monitoring tools.

2 Automation usage refers to API calls originating from Get Queue Items, Get Jobs, and Orchestrator Http Request activities.

Important: GET/odata/Jobs(<job_id>) is not rate limited.

These limits do not apply to adding queue items and processing jobs. As such, there is no impact on adding a queue item, removing it from a queue, setting its status, or on starting and processing any number of jobs.

You can check your API usage per month or day on the tenant-level API audit tab in the Monitoring window.

Exposed headers





All requests beyond the aforementioned limits are returned an HTTP 429 response which includes this header.

It displays the number of seconds that you need to wait until the endpoint is available to you again.

Retry-After: 10 means that the rate limit on the endpoint expires in 10 seconds. Any retries within these 10 seconds result in a 429 response.


The number of calls remaining

X-RateLimit-Remaining: 30 means that you have 30 calls remaining in the current time range

If the number of requests per minute is below 10, it is rendered as 0.

Activities impact

The following activities are impacted by these limits:

  • Get Job
  • Get Queue Items
  • Orchestrator Http Request (when used to call the GET /odata/Jobs or GET /odata/QueueItems endpoints)
System activities version 2024.3 or newer apply the Retry-after response header, meaning that they perform automatic retries of Orchestrator operations. Please make sure to always use the latest version of System activities to benefit from this.

Adapting to the changes

This is what we recommend you do to make sure that you both comply with our limits and take full advantage of them:

  • Review your API usage patterns and the information you retrieve from our previously mentioned GetAll-type endpoints.
  • Adjust your API call frequency and data extraction procedures to align with these limits where necessary.
  • See the Exporting jobs and Exporting queue items sections for examples on how to retrieve jobs and queue items data.
  • Use the Insights real-time data export option.
  • Make sure you always use the latest version of System activities.
  • Get in touch with your account manager or our support team if you have any questions or need further clarification.


These alerts, available in the API Rate Limits section of your alerting settings, inform you when the limits are exceeded, and provide valuable information about the impacted endpoint.

  • Request rate exceeded the limit in the last day - Warn severity:
    • It is sent daily, in the application and via email.
    • You are subscribed to it by default.
    • It includes the name of the endpoint for which the number of requests was exceeded.
    • It includes a link to the tenant-level API audit monitoring window, focused on the daily view. Details...
    • It requires the Audit - View permission.
  • Request rate exceeded the limit - Error severity:
    • It is sent every ten minutes, in the application and via email.
    • You are unsubscribed to it by default.
    • It includes the name of the endpoint for which the number of requests was exceeded.
    • It includes a link to the tenant-level API audit monitoring window, focused on the detailed 10-minute view. Details...
      Note: There might be a 10-minute delay between the moment that the limit is exceeded and the time the alert is sent.
    • It requires the Audit - View permission.

Large data fields

The API endpoints used for retrieving lists of jobs and queue items can prove problematic when used for real-time monitoring and data export. For example:

  • When requesting up to 1,000 items, with each item amounting to up to 1 MB of large data, the response to a single API call can be 1 GB in size. Since there are intermediaries that do not allow responses of this size, requests fail.

  • When using complex filters, then paginating a queue with multi-million queue items, requests might start timing out after a few dozen pages. This is due to the amount of data that needs to be retrieved from the database.

Jobs fields

To improve system efficiency and safeguard data privacy, specific data is omitted from the Jobs - GetAll endpoint responses. These are the impacted fields:


Omitted fields

What you can use instead

Effective since


  • InputArguments

  • OutputArguments


Community and Canary tenants: March 2024

Enterprise tenants: July 2024

If you are using the GET /odata/Jobs endpoint, either via API or via the Get Jobs, Get Queue Items, or Orchestrator HTTP Request activities, you need to find out whether you use any of the listed fields. If you do, please be aware that the content of these fields will be returned as null.

We recommend that you test out processes in your Canary tenants to assess the impact.

Queue items large data fields

The performance of the GET/odata/QueueItems endpoint is optimized by applying these size limitations to its fields:



Effective since

How to tell that you are impacted

How to address this


1,048,576 characters

> Community and Canary tenants: April 2024

> Enterprise tenants: May 2024

A specific error message is returned.

We recommend that you use storage buckets and/or Data Service blob storage if you need to store more data.

104,857 characters

All tenants: September 2024


10 KB

> Community and Canary tenants: June 2024

> Enterprise tenants: September 2024

Enterprise: If your current data load exceeds these limits, we will send monthly reports to administrators.


100 KB


500 KB

ProcessingException - Reason

102,400 characters

ProcessingException - Details

102,400 characters

The following filter is also limited for performance purposes:



Effective since

How to tell that you are impacted

How to address this


> If you do not use the $top filter, you receive 100 records by default.
> If you use the $top filter, you receive a maximum of 100 records. Anything exceeding 100 triggers a 400 Bad Request error message.

> Community and Canary tenant: June 2024

> Enterprise tenants: September 2024

Enterprise: We aim to send an email notification to administrators if we detect the usage of this filter in API calls. However, we ask that you keep a close eye on your end as well.

We recommend that you modify your process or API usage logic accordingly if you expect to exceed this limit.


You can use the following alternatives to retrieve Jobs and QueueItems fields:

Moving from on-premises to cloud


Rate limits and large data fields changes will not be implemented in on-premises environments.

If you are using standalone Orchestrator and are thinking of moving to cloud, you can use the IIS request logs to determine the request rate for the impacted endpoints. The analysis depends on how you aggregate the logs, for which you can use, for instance, Microsoft Log Parser.

For assessing the impact on large data fields, we recommend testing out your processes in Canary tenants.

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