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      • 2024.10.1
      • 2024.10.2
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Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 17, 2025


To upgrade to a new version of Insights, you need to follow the steps based on your upgrading scenario.

  • Please note that this is a change from our HW/SW specs from Insights 2021.10. Insights 2021.10 requires a single Windows machine, while Insights 2024.10 requires a Windows machine and a Linux machine with RHEL.

In 2021.10, the Insights Windows machine ran Docker which hosted the Looker Linux container. Starting with Windows 2022, the driver used to nest the Linux containers in Windows OS (called lcow) is not supported anymore by Microsoft for enterprise applications. As a result, we had to change our deployment architecture to require two machines - one Windows machine to run the UiPath Insights components, and a Linux machine to run the Looker container. With this change, enterprise support is available from OS vendors for the components needed to run UiPath products. The supported versions of Linux OS are the same that Automation Suite supports.

Note: Review hardware and software requirements.
If you have a large database, consider manually indexing the Robot Logs using a script. Consider doing the same for the ProcessingExceptionDetails and HostMachineName columns. The installation might fail during the Insights Database migration if it has to index a large set of data.

Upgrade Scenarios

Upgrade From 2021.4 or Earlier Version to 2024.10

1. Migrate usersWhen upgrading from a version earlier than 2021.10, users with Insights permissions are not automatically migrated to your new installation. They can be optionally migrated via the User Migration tool.
2. Install the new Insights version on a separate machine from the existing installation Follow the Insights Installation instructions to install it on a separate machine.

After you install the latest Insights version on a new machine, the ingestion of old data will stop.

3. Uninstall the old version of InsightsOnce you have completed the creation of the new custom dashboards and formulas on the newly installed version of Insights, you can safely uninstall the old version.
  • Both old and new Insights installations will use the same database while the dashboards are being moved.
  • To login to Insights, you can use the old https://<old Insights url>/app/account/login URL and the same admin account that was configured during installation.

To disable the old builds, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the old URL (https://<old Insights url>/app/account/login).
  2. Go to https://<old Insights url>/app/data.
  3. Click the three-dots icon on each cube and go to the build schedule to disable the builds.

Upgrade From 2022.4, 2022.10, 2023.4 or 2023.10 to 2024.10

Upgrade steps

Before upgrading Insights to a higher version, make sure you:

  • Check and upgrade Orchestrator version if needed. It's recommended for Orchestrator and Insights to be on the same version (Ex. Orchestrator version 2024.10 and Insights version 2024.10). Not having the same version impacts the application performance. To find out how to install Orchestrator check About Installation and About Updating if you wish to update your current version.
  • Have the MSI package and preinstallationtool.exe downloaded and make sure it matches between versions.(Ex. Orchestrator version 2024.10, preinstallationtool for Insights version 2024.10). Check the Customer Portal > Product download page to download the required files or ask the support team.

To start the upgrade process follow the steps:

  1. Have the UiPath Orchestrator major version upgraded to match the major version of Insights.
  2. Have the MSI package and preinstallationtool.exe downloaded. Check the Customer Portal > Product download page to download the required files or ask the support team.
  3. Run and provide the requested information in the preinstallationtool. ( Linux Hostname, Certificate Thumbprint etc.)
  4. Copy the file generated by the preinstallationtool to the linux VM.
  5. Unzip the zip file from the preinstallationtool into the installation directory.
    1. Locate the parent directory: dirname $(sudo docker inspect looker-container | jq -r '.[0].HostConfig.Binds' | grep 'deploy' | awk -F':/app/.deploy:Z' '{print $1}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
    2. Unzip to that directory: unzip <looker zip file> -d <parent dir>
  6. Run the script. bash insights/ -k <Public Key>
  7. Copy the generated file to the Windows VM.
  8. Run Insights MSI and provide the path to looker.json when the pop-up window is displayed.
  • Upgrade Scenarios
  • Upgrade From 2021.4 or Earlier Version to 2024.10
  • Upgrade From 2022.4, 2022.10, 2023.4 or 2023.10 to 2024.10
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