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Last updated May 21, 2024

Modifying Insights Configurations


To modify or uninstall Insights, you need to have the original installation file.

Modifying the Insights Installation

  1. Go to Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Find UiPath Insights and click Modify.

  3. Click Change in the newly open window.

Modifying the Orchestrator/Identity Properties

  1. Input the new Orchestrator URL and Installation Access Token and click Next. See Installation key for instructions on how to get an Installation Access Token.

  2. Click Skip in the following windows if you do not want to change them.

  3. Click Next in the Ready To Install window.

Modifying the Insights Database Connection

  1. Go to Orchestrator Server and update the Insights database connection string. You need to manually change it in Orchestrator configuration file.
    1. Open the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file.
    2. In the connectionStrings section, modify the connectionString parameter of the key name="Default" as follows:
    3. For SQL Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_ORCH_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_ORCH_DB_NAME};User ID={YOUR_ORCH_DB_SQL_USER};Password={YOUR_ORCH_DB_SQL_PASSWORD}" />
    4. For Windows Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_ORCH_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_ORCH_DB_DATABASE_NAME};Integrated Security=true" />

    Example for SQL Authentication:

    <add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;User ID=docs-uipath;Password=SecretP@ssword" /><add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;User ID=docs-uipath;Password=SecretP@ssword" />

    Example for Windows Authentication:

    <add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;Integrated Security=true" /><add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;Integrated Security=true" />
  2. Go to the Insights Server and open the Modify page by following the steps above.
  3. You can click Skip if you do not want changes in other windows.
  4. Input your new Insights database settings.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Next in the Ready To Install window.

Modifying the SMTP Configuration

Note: The email service configuration is not removed if you uncheck the Configuring Email Service (SMTP) option.
  1. Go to the Insights Server and open the Modify window by following the steps above.
  2. You can click Skip if you do not want changes in other windows.
  3. Input your updated email settings.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Next in the Ready To Install window.

Updating the Portal Certificate in IIS

  1. Make sure your new certificate is imported to both Personal (for the certificate) and Trusted Root Certification Authorities (for the root certificate). Also ensure the certificate is valid.

  2. Go to IIS Manager and open the UiPath Insights website.

  3. Open the Bindings page.

  4. Select the binding and click Edit, then choose your new certificate from the SSL certificate drop-down menu and click OK.

  5. Restart IIS.

Updating Port Number After Installation

To update the port number after Insights installation, you need to follow these steps.

1. Create domain-signed certificateCreate a domain-signed certificate with the new URL.
2. Change port number in IIS

Open IIS Manager and navigate to Site > Insights application > Bindings to change the port number.

3. Remove URI port number from Identity Server DBRemove the URI port number from the the following parameters found in the Identity Server database:
  • ClientRedirectUris
  • ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris
4. Modify provisioning.url parameter in Insights config file
  1. Navigate to C:\)\)Program Files (x86)\)\)UiPath Insights\)\)Insights and open the appsettings.json file to modify Insights settings.
  2. Find the provisioning.url parameter.
  3. Remove the port number from the URI.
  4. Find the portalUrl parameter to add your new URL and port number.
    e.g., "url": ""
  5. Save the file.
5. Modify permission.url parameter in Insights config file
  1. Navigate to C:\)\)Program Files (x86)\)\)UiPath Insights\)\)Provisioning and open the appsettings.json file.
  2. Find the permission.url parameter.
  3. Enter your new URL: "Permission": {new url
  4. Save the file.
6. Reset IISOpen CMD as admin and run iisreset to reset IIS.

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