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Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Automation Hub ROI Data Model

The ROI explore brings together data from Automation Hub and Orchestrator, joining them based on the idea to Orchestrator package linkage performed under the Execution Assessment in Automation Hub.

Custom Fields

Custom FieldsCustom Dimension; Custom Measure; Table calculation;

Start from scratch or use existing Dimensions and Measures to create new fields in the Data Model. Perform enhancements and data transformations by using formulas, filters, sorts.


Table 1. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
 Average of ReviewsNumberAverage of the ratings given by the reviewers
 Component URLStringURL of the component
Creation Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
DateDate when the component was created
 Is Active (Yes / No)Yes/NoShowing if the component is deleted or not (Yes = component is not deleted, No = component was deleted)
 NameStringName of the component, as defined by the author
 SummaryStringSummary of the component, as defined by the author
 TypeStringType of component: custom activity, snippet, workflow template, connector, dashboard, ML model, solution
VersionsNumber of DownloadsNumberNumber of component downloads performed by the users
VersionsStatusStringStatus of the component's version
VersionsVersionStringVersion number for the component
VersionsVersion Creation DateDateDate when the component's version was created
VersionsVersion Creation MonthDateDate when the component's version was created
VersionsVersion Creation QuarterDateDate when the component's version was created
VersionsVersion Creation TimeDateDate when the component's version was created
VersionsVersion Creation WeekDateDate when the component's version was created
VersionsVersion Creation YearDateDate when the component's version was created
Table 2. Measures
CountNumberCount of components, based on the applied dimensions

Execution Assessment

Table 3. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
Execution InfoProcess Uses QueuesNumberThe answer to the "Using queue" question in the AH Execution assessment
Table 4. Measures
Measure GroupMeasuresTypeDescription
Actual BenefitsTotal Actual Automated VolumesNumberSum of all the successful job runs or successful queue item runs (if using queues)
Actual BenefitsTotal Actual Cost SavingsNumberSum of all the actual costs savings, obtained as per run cost saving * successful runs. Group by process and/ or idea.
Actual BenefitsTotal Actual Hours SavedNumberSum of all the actual hours saved, obtained as per run time saving * successful runs. Group by process and/ or idea.
Execution InfoCost Savings Per RunNumberCost savings per one successful job / queue item run, measured in the service currency, as auto-computed in the Execution assessment
Execution InfoTime Savings Per RunNumberTime saved per one successful job / queue item run, measured in minutes, as auto-computed in the Execution assessment
Prorated BenefitsProrated Target Cost SavingsNumberTarget cost savings adapted to the time span on which the process was run (prorated)
Prorated BenefitsProrated Target Hours SavedNumberTarget hours saved adapted to the time span on which the process was run (prorated)
Prorated BenefitsProrated Target VolumesNumberTarget automated volumes adapted to the time span on which the process was run (prorated)
Target BenefitsYearly Target Automated VolumesNumberEstimated yearly number of transactions / runs that will be performed by the automation successfully. This is computed based on the Automation Hub Detailed or Citizen developer assessment data
Target BenefitsYearly Target Cost SavingsNumberEstimated yearly cost savings based on the metadata collected in Automation Hub, in the Execution assessment. Group by process and/ or idea
Target BenefitsYearly Target Hours SavedNumberEstimated yearly hours saved based on the metadata collected in Automation Hub, in the Execution assessment. Group by process and/ or idea

Idea Categories

Table 5. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
Category 1Level NameStringCategory Level Name
Category 1NameStringCategory Name
Category 1Order NumberNumberThe order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface
Category 2Level NameStringCategory Level Name
Category 2NameStringCategory Name
Category 2Order NumberNumberThe order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface
Category 3Level NameStringCategory Level Name
Category 3NameStringCategory Name
Category 3Order NumberNumberThe order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface
Category 4Level NameStringCategory Level Name
Category 4NameStringCategory Name
Category 4Order NumberNumberThe order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface
Category 5Level NameStringCategory Level Name
Category 5NameStringCategory Name
Category 5Order NumberNumberThe order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface

Idea Q&A

DateTime Types

Table 6. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
Answer (DateTime) Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
DateThe Answer converted to a DateTime value
QuestionAssessment SourceStringThis will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.)
QuestionKeyStringThe unique identifier of a Question, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique.
QuestionTitleStringThe Question Title as configured in the Assessment
Table 7. Measures
CountNumberCount of date-type questions
Max DateTimeMaximum date from the answers of date-type questions
Min DateTimeMinimum date from the answers of date-type questions

Numerical Types

Table 8. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
AnswerDisplay ValueStringThe answer value displayed in the UI
AnswerRaw ValueNumberThe answer value, as it is stored in the database
QuestionAssessment SourceStringThis will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.)
QuestionKeyStringThe unique identifier of a Question, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique.
QuestionTitleStringThe Question Title as configured in the Assessment
Table 9. Measures
CountNumberUnder the Count measure, we count all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering.
AverageNumberUnder the Average measure, we average all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering.
SumNumberUnder the Sum measure, we sum up all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering.


Table 10. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
ApplicationsApplication Full NameStringConcatenation of the application name, version and language for easier search
ApplicationsApplication LanguageStringLanguage of the application as defined in the Application Inventory
ApplicationsApplication NameStringName of the application as defined in the Application Inventory
ApplicationsApplication VersionStringVersion of the application as defined in the Application Inventory
 Auto-generated IDNumberUnique ID assigned to each idea, in the Tenant database
CollaboratorsActive userNumberUser is active: 1 (Active) , 0 (Inactive), 3 (Deleted)
CollaboratorsBusiness UnitStringUser’s Business Unit
CollaboratorsCollaborator RoleStringRole of this collaborator
CollaboratorsDepartmentStringDepartment of this collaborator
CollaboratorsEmailStringUser's Email address
CollaboratorsFirst NameStringUser’s First Name
CollaboratorsLast NameStringUser’s Last Name
CollaboratorsLocationStringUser's Location
Creation Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
DateIdea Creation Date. Can be different than the Submission date, in case of ideas saved of draft first.
 Idea NameStringIdea Name, as defined in the field Automation Name
 Idea SlugStringIdea's slug used to construct Idea URL. It is unique.
 Idea SourceStringSubmission type (eg Employee-driven; CoE-driven; Task Mining; Process Mining; Citizen Developer; Change Request)
 Idea URLStringIdea's URL
 Idea PathStringIdea's Path contains everything except the base path (ex.
Last Update Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
DateLast idea update - can be a change in the Phase, Status, details in the automation profile, Cost-Benefit Analysis, documentation.
PhasePhase NameStringPhase Name as displayed in the user interface
PhasePhase OrderNumberPhase Order in the idea's lifecyle
 PriorityNumberIdea's Priority
Q&A - All typesAnswer Display ValueStringThe answer value displayed in the UI
Q&A - All typesAnswer Raw ValueStringThe answer value, as it is stored in the database
Q&A - All typesQuestion Assessment SourceStringThis will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.)
Q&A - All typesQuestion KeyStringThe unique identifier of a Question, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique.
Q&A - All typesQuestion TitleStringThe Question Title as configured in the Assessment
StatusPhase Status NameStringPhase Status name as displayed in the user interface
StatusPhase Status OrderNumberPhase Status order
Submission Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
DateIdea Submission Date
TagsTag NameStringList with all the Tags created. When associated with an Idea Name, reflects the tags applied for the idea.
Table 11. Measures
CountNumberTotal number of submitted Ideas
List of Unique Idea NamesStringConcatenates all Unique Idea names.
SumNumberUnder the Sum measure, we sum up all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering.
Table 12. Organization scoped view

Organization scoped view



Tenant fieldThe name of the tenant where the idea is defined. This is only available in Organization scoped views

Jobs and Queue Aggregates

Table 13. Dimensions
Dimension GroupDimensionsTypeDescription
 FolderStringFolder where the job is defined
 Process NameStringThe name of the process
 Robot TypeStringThe type of robot that executed the job. The available options are: Attended, Unattended, NonProduction, Testing, Other
Run Date
  • Date
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Time
  • Week
  • Year
Table 14. Measures
Successful Job RunsNumberCount of Successful Job Runs
Successful Queue RunsNumberCount of Successful Queue Runs

Process Application

This view, part of the Jobs explore, matches processes to specific apps that it interacts with.

  • If you are deploying multiple packages within the same folder using, inconsistent results may occur while using the Process Application view due to joins with the process name. To fix this, we strongly suggest using the Process Display Name for your visualizations. This ensures uniqueness within the context of a folder, leading to more consistent and accurate results.
  • You should only use the Process Application view when you want to check which processes interact certain applications.
Application NameThe name of the application. If it's a web application, it will be the browser name. If the application name is a dynamic parameter, the name will be unknown.
Application Name Or UrlIt's a URL if the application is web application, otherwise it's the application name. It shows as unknown if both application and URL are dynamic parameters.
Application TypeThe type of application.
Application UrlURL of the web application. It's displayed as unknown if it's parameter.
FolderThe folder where the process is located.
Package Creation DateThe date when the packages was created.
Package IdThe ID of the package.
Process Creation DateThe date when the process was created.
Process Display NameThe display name of the process. It's updated when the process package version is updated.
Process IdThe ID of the process.
Process NameThe name of the process package.
Process VersionThe active version of the process package. A process can have multiple versions and it's the active version or the last configured version.
Process Version Creation DateThe date of when the process’s version is updated.
Process Version IdThis is updated when the package is updated in the process.

The Process Application views are associated with the following Explores: Jobs, Jobs - Org.

Table 15.
List of Unique Application NamesConcatenates all unique application names.
List of Unique Process DisplayConcatenates all unique process displays.
List of Unique Process NamesConcatenates all unique process names.
List of Unique UrlsConcatenates all unique URLs.
  • Custom Fields
  • Components
  • Execution Assessment
  • Idea Categories
  • Idea Q&A
  • DateTime Types
  • Numerical Types
  • Ideas
  • Jobs and Queue Aggregates
  • Process Application

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