  • Release Notes
      • 2022.10.1
      • 2022.10.2
      • 2022.10.3
      • 2022.10.4
      • 2022.10.5
      • 2022.10.6
      • 2022.10.7
      • 2022.10.8
      • 2022.10.9
      • 2022.10.10
      • 2022.10.11
    • User Migration Tool Release Notes
  • Getting Started
    • Installing Automation Suite
    • Insights Configuration Checklist
    • About Insights
    • Insights Data Model
  • Access and Permissions
  • Interacting with Insights
  • Historical data export
  • Logs
  • Performance and Scalability
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Insights Configuration Checklist

This checklist is for Insights installed via Automation Suite.

Enabling and Provisioning Insights

  • Able to enable and provision Insights

Manage Access

  • Able to add a user (user must already exist in Automation Suite);
  • Make sure a user cannot solely have auxiliary permissions (i.e., only ROI viewer but not viewer);
  • 10 designers across the entire organization;
  • Automation Suite administrators are by default administrators in other services, including Insights. Removing administrator permissions for Insights is not possible for this default group of admins.

Tests for Permission Types

Make sure all permissions can:

  • Use the standard download of a template or tenant dashboards (via button on dashboard tile);
  • Use the advanced dashboard download to:

    • Download as a pdf/csv
    • Alter paper size
  • Export the data from a tile;
  • View the UiPath Templates and Tenant tabs;
  • Only interact via pre-made filters and cross-filtering (i.e., cannot modify templates directly);
  • Schedule template or tenant dashboards for delivery;
  • Send reports to any email address (even to users with no Insights or platform access);
  • Select the time zone displayed in any dashboard;
  • Hide or show filters;
  • No access to admin menu options;
  • Manage access;
  • Configure ROI Dataset.

Designer Permissions Only Tests

  • Copy a dashboard from UiPath Templates to My Dashboards;
  • Copy a dashboard from Tenant to My Dashboards;
  • Edit a dashboard;
  • Create a new dashboard;
  • Delete a dashboard;
  • Share a dashboard with tenant;
  • Duplicate a dashboard (on My Dashboards);
  • Explore data (press explore from here on a tile);
  • Save the new tile into a new dashboard or to an existing dashboard;
  • Edit pre-defined filters;
  • Set a conditional alert and receive the email of the alert when the condition is met.

Viewer Permissions Tests

  • Cannot create/copy/edit/delete any dashboards;
  • Cannot add alerts;
  • No access to My Dashboards.

Admin Permissions Tests

  • Use all viewer abilities;
  • Access to ROI Dataset;
  • Enter values for the tenant ROI Dataset;
  • Enter values up to 2 decimals;
  • Enter 0 as a valid value;
  • Sort the default columns in ascending or descending order;
  • Add a custom column;
  • Apply values to all rows;
  • Rename a custom column;
  • Delete a custom column;
  • Access to user management;
  • Without auxiliary permissions, admin cannot see Business ROI template.

ROI Viewer Permissions Tests

  • Make sure permission is added onto either viewer or designer permissions;
  • If paired with designer, the user can only view the template, but not copy;
  • Able to interact with the business ROI template;
  • Can’t copy the business ROI template.

ROI Editor Permissions Tests

  • Only can be added with Designer permissions;
  • Copy the business ROI template into the my dashboards tab;
  • Access to process manual values and queue manual values explore;
  • Use a custom column in a dashboard;
  • See all explores when editing a tile/creating a tile on a copy of the ROI Dashboard;
  • Add process and queue information on a copy of the ROI dashboard.

Insights Home Page

  • Searching for a dashboard;
  • Cannot delete templates;
  • Cannot add a dashboard to the templates tab;
  • Only can see Business ROI template with auxiliary ROI permissions;
  • Business ROI template is locked (before admin has added data to the ROI dataset).

Data Ingestion

  • Make sure all robot logs are ingested, not only the last records and errors;
  • Time latency (~30 mins);
  • Compare data with orchestrator and make sure nothing is missing.

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