Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Jun 6, 2024

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Find all the pre-trained and supported languages for Form Extractor, and Intelligent Keyword Classifier in the table below.

Language (Language Code)Form ExtractorIntelligent Keyword ClassifierIntelligent Form Extractor (Deprecated)
Afrikaans (AFR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Albanian (SQI)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Arabic (ARA)   
Asturiandocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Aymara (AYM) -Ldocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Basque (EUS)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Belgiandocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Bemba (BEM)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Bislamadocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Blackfoot (BLA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Brazilian (QBP)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Breton (BRE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Bulgarian (BUL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Belorussian (BEL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Catalan (CAT)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Cebuanodocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Chechen (CHE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Chinese - Simplified (QCS)   
Chinese - Traditional (QCT)   
Cornishdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Corsican (COS)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Creole (Kabuverdianu)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Croatian (HRV)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Czech (CES)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Cyprus - G  docs image
Danish (DAN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Dutch (NLD)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
English (ENG)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Estonian (EST)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Faroese (FAO)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Fijian (FIJ)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Filipinodocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Finnish (FIN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
French (FRA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Frisian (FRY)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Friiulian (FUR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Gaelic - Irish (GLE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Gaelic - Scottish (GLA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Gagauzdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Galician (GLG)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Ganda (LUG)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
German (DEU)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Gilbertesedocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Greek (ELL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Hani (HAW)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Hebrew (HEB)   
Hmong Dawdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Hong Kong (Tradit. Chinese)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Hungarian (HUN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Icelandic (ISL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Ido (IDO)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Indonesian (IND)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Interlingua (Occidental) (INA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Italian (ITA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Japanese (JPN)   
Javanesedocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Kachindocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Kasub (CSB)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Khasidocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Kikuyu (KIK)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Kongo (KON)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Korean (KOR)   
Kpelle (KPE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Kurdish (KUR) docs imagedocs image
Latin (LAT)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Latvian (LAV)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Lithuanian (LIT)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Luxembourgish (LTZ)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Macedonian (MKD)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Malagasy (MLG)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Malay (MSA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Malinke (MLQ)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Maltese (MLT)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Maori (MRI)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Mayan (MYN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Minangkabau (MIN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Mohawk (MOH)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Moldavian (MOL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Nahuatl (NAH)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Neapolitandocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Norwegian (NOR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Nyanja (NYA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Occitandocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Ojibway (OJI)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Papiamento (PAP)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Pidgin English (TPI)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Polish (POL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Portuguese (POR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Quechua (QUE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Ripuriandocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Romanian (RON)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Romanish (ROM)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Rwanda (KIN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Russian (RUS)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sami (SMI)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Samiule (SMJ)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sami - Northern (SME)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sami - Southern (SMA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sardinian (SRD)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Serbian (SRP)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Slovak (SLK)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Slovenian (SLV)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Somali (SOM)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sorbian - Wend (WEN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Sotho (SOT)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Spanish (SPA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Swahili (SWA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Swazi (SSW)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Swedish (SWE)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tagalog (TGL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tahitian (TAH)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tetumdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tongan (TON)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tshiluba (LUA)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Tswanahuana (TSN)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Turkish (TUR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Ukranian (UKR)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Uzbekdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Volapukdocs imagedocs imagedocs image
Welsh (CYM)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Wolof (WOL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Xhosa (XHO)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Zapotec (ZAP)docs imagedocs imagedocs image
Zulu (ZUL)docs imagedocs imagedocs image

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