Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 17, 2024

Role based access control in Document Understanding™

Note: Once this feature is enabled, the users mapped to any of the three default local groups will continue to have access to the Document UnderstandingTM service: Organization Administrators, Automation Developer, and Automation Users.

Once this feature is enabled, the users mapped only in the group Everyone from the default local Groups in Automation Cloud™, will lose access to the Document Understanding service. In this case, please request permissions from your organization administrator. In case you can't reach your administrator, file a support ticket to the Customer Portal to get access permissions.

Manage your access and permission in Document Understanding by applying the available role based access control structure that provides both a functional and process isolation options of customization.

In the Manage Access page you can see three types of entities that can have roles assigned, or removed:

  • Administrators - Document Understanding Administrator
  • Automation Developers - Document Understanding Contributor
  • Automation Users - Document Understanding Viewer
Note: When roles are changed at organization level, then a sign out and sign in operation is required for all changes to be visible. If you don't do the sign out and sign in actions, then the updates can take up to one hour to be visible.

Implementing the role based access control for all your Document Understanding users allows you to have an overview of all users and all their permissions. Roles can be assigned for Document Understanding as a platform, or per user.

An administrator is the one that can grant access and add/revoke permissions for any of the users. If you need any updates to your role access, please contact your platform administrator.

If you have restricted access to a permission, then the feature of that permission is not available anymore in the Document understanding UI. For example, if you have restricted access to creating a new project, then the New project option is not visible in Document Understanding.
Note: Known limitation:

If you are a Document Understanding Administrator, but NOT an Automation Cloud Account Administrator, you will not be able to edit role assignments. You need to be both an Account Administrator, and a Document Understanding Administrator to be able to edit role assignments.

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